Can't Download Custom Maps with Bots Mod
OK, maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but I have Bot Warfare uploaded to a server using FastDL and it's downloading correctly, yet every time I try to load a custom map, I get the error (example): "usermaps/mp_shipment/mp_shipment.arena" failed to download. Invalid file received from server.
Is there something I need to change server side, or are my maps corrupted somehow? I've got them hosted online in an iw5 folder and in the "bots" folder for the Bot Warfare mod.
I've read that I need to add MIME types for the .arena files but have NO IDEA how to do this, haha.
Same issue here, I also get "Invalid file received from server"
No help on this? Perhaps it should be in the server hosting support forum instead, but I'd have thought for sure someone would come along with a suggestion.
The files can be downloaded from the server using a browser and will run correctly when put into my storage folder for IW5. The game is simply not able to download them for the purposes of joining a match. I'm assuming this has something to do with the MIME types but haven't been able to figure it out. The files are hosted on an Apache web server via Dreamhost if that helps.
Tifosi 92 Add MIME types and make sure all the configuration is correct
Can also use another web server that does the MIME types automatically. Afaik HFS on Github does it and it's easy to use
Resxt Thanks. I tried adding each of them to an htaccess file as “octet-stream” in every folder, but no luck. I also tried adjusting the FTP permissions to allow an insecure protocol but also no luck. Does anyone know exactly how the htaccess file should be formatted? I read that another player had their webhost blocking the IW5 useragent, but surely if that were happening the bots mod wouldn’t be usable on regular maps either? Or is that loaded on the game server and not necessary to have on a file server at all?
To confirm, the setWWW function (can’t remember what it’s called exactly) should point to the mods folder itself or the root URL? I have mods for WaW and MW3 inside the same folder (mp_bots and bots respectively) so have been setting the base URL as “website. com/mods/” (spaced because I can’t post links) and then setting fs_game as “mods/bots”. I have also tried setting the base URL to “website. com/“ and that doesn’t work either. I’m using https instead of http but not sure that matters.
Thanks for the suggestion of an alternate host. I may try that if I can’t get this one to work. If I find a solution I’ll post it here for reference as it seems I’m not the only one who’s had this problem. Strangely this worked without a hitch before I switched file hosting companies so I suspect it’s something to do with the file server.
I should also add that I tried setting up the host machine as a file server using XAMPP (if you are trying to solve the same problem later the forum search function will help you find the thread from which I learned to do this), and it appears that what HFS will do as well. I was able to make the files sharable as an Apache server and viewable by browser over my local network, but unable to get IW5 to download them upon connecting to the match—I got the same error as described in the OP. In this case, in the server config file I pointed the game to either the localhost OR the local IP address of the host machine, and got the same error. In the case of setting the host machine as the file host for a game over the internet, to where should I point the game via the server config file?
I can share the exact contents of my htaccess file and my server config file in a bit.
Tifosi 92 the URL has to be an URL that serves a mods folder, so not the mods folder directly but a page that has a mods folder