Tranzit Reimagined 2025 | Stable Version 2025 Jan. 30th | Warmer Days Update
Ultimateman Is there a reason why you didn't just modify the original LUI hud? You already modify existing lua files in your mod, so there shouldn't be a need to use gsc hudelems.
JezuzLizard I couldn't get everything to work in lua and had already written some in gsc a long time ago so I settled with this.
Ultimateman thanks for the timely response! its not a big worry haha the end product is wonderful! seems like you did quite enough work already!
Nickchiponfire Thanks, I appreciate the kind words!
I'm glad you've enjoyed the mod. -
I gotta say, loved the aesthetics and layout of this as well as the custom wallbuys of different box weapons around the map
FaZe Flick Hey I'm glad you enjoy it! I hope you get to try out the main and side quests as welll! GG!
Ultimateman i might do the ee with someone at some point. Crashed on round 43 a couple days ago
People seem to really like this mod, i put up a server with it and currently has 7/8 people in it. No crashes in the last 2 day seems stable
guys this is not about the mod, but im losing my saving progress and still found no solution please help.
DJseanyB glad to hear that it's stable and people enjoy it! This mod can be pretty taxing on the engine so thats good news
AsemQ i think its a plutonium issue and theyre working on it. I could be wrong but i think I read that from somewhere
AsemQ said in Tranzit Revamped 2024 | Warmer Days Update Release:
guys this is not about the mod, but im losing my saving progress and still found no solution please help.
The next update will contain a fix for it.
Someone know how to do the easteregg? xd
El pucho I will be uploading video tutorials of all the different easter eggs in the map tomorrow!
Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy your stay -
Hello dude i have one request only can you please please make a separate version where the denizens are in the fog
its just a bit too easy without them or if not then maybe add the hellhounds that will spawn along with zombies like after round 15 or 20 -
GhostRider0125 yeah, adding Hellhounds would be awesome
GhostRider0125 Both of these can be added via GSC
is panzer an option? That would be fing ballistic
DJseanyB can you make them please? idk how they work
whenever i try to join my friend, both of our games crash is there any fix to this?