More fps
I added 4:3 in cfg file mp+zm (r_aspectRatio "4:3") but it doesn't work it goes back to auto again
Debloat your windows and optimize it to see significant improvement
GhostRider0125 How do I do this exactly?
i advise you to know that debloating your windows will remove some features and apps
You can select in the menu it self on which ones you want to keep
but if your afraid that somethings you use might remove it then its better to only do the optimization videos only
Optimizations -
Before you do this I would actually be a reasonable person and research the topic. The performance is not always that noticeable.
abdoOo1 what's your specs?
That would explain your poor fps. Isn't really designed for high gaming. More like very light gaming or retro gaming. Plus old games are poorly optimized so debloating won't do much.