Am I supposed to think this is legit?
I've played mw3 for over a decade. Quick question, what about any of this is legit gameplay? Assassin pro so no name, no uav, no nothing. blind eye doesn't even matter cause ai controlled streaks weren't used. but the clear "extra" info they have is apparent. Dead silence as well without moving and getting pre fired. This is the ONE game I recorded. These players would pre aim you with no info, no audio, or anything. and this is allowed? I'd hope not. There's nothing legit about any of this gameplay. I've been "afk" in a bush across the map with the same class in previous games and got pre fired. nothing about these people are legit, Yet they are playing freely. Client anti moment ig idek. But this is blatant. No amount of hours in the game makes you have more info than you should.
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It's best to report to the server owner, but for a while now, if you notice that most of the clips submitted by people feature controller players, a lot of controller players have been using DS4Windows for the wrong reasons in multiplayer. It was once a great tool for PlayStation controllers to play on PC, but now, with all the scripts available with it, they can abuse any FPS shooter with no recoil, stronger aim assist, etc. Endless scripts.
those are cheaters should be reported as i think , but if the partie that you join did nothing just change it