[WIP] [Zombies] Gobblegums
Hi, this is a small starting point for a gobblegum script, I need to do a lot of cleanup but I'm sharing this so anyone can mess around with it. My next steps are to add multiple machines to each map, add some sort of animation and add more gobblegums. You can currently get one gobblegum for free each round, you cannot purchase anymore if you have already taken one this round.
Github: Press "Download raw file"
After downloading the file, put it inC:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm
or wherever this folder is for you.For now there is only one gobblegum machine on each of the following maps wherever I've pointed the crosshair:
Mob of the Dead
Nuketown Zombies
now thats extra variety for gameplay sick script man hopefully it gets completed
Do you have discord? I can share some of my gobblegum stuff with you, if you'd like.
GerardS0406 Absolutely, my Discord username is
GhostRider0125 Thanks! Unfortunately I don't have much free time to work on this.
Hello, I have a problem, which is that when I want to download the file it shows me a 404 error