[Support] Mono Syntax Error
Farzad Ok, Ok, I was wrong. If they are decimal numbers you should use a "." instead of ","
Kalitos Line 64 error after I do that bro
Farzad It is the same error, in all the lines that are decimal numbers change "," by "."
Kalitos Changed. Outcome = Syntax error at line 58.
Farzad I begin to believe that we are playing guessing games.
Paste your current code with the modifications you say you have made. -
Kalitos I’m not doing anything bro cmon, you can even see for yourself
Kalitos I thank you so much for helping me, but just face it, what you told me to modify gave me the same outcome I had from the start when attempting to compile. No need to come to assumptions bro, I’m just in need of help and no trouble
Farzad I only asked you to put your code back to have a clearer idea of your problem. since you have already made modifications to the original code that you put at the beginning of the topic.
Kalitos Oh well then. I just want help
All decimal numbers must be written as
. Notice the.
instead of the,
. And please indent your code properly, this is unreadable. -
Code seems to be copy pasted from a decompiler. And that decompiler outputs decimals incorrectly (with a comma instead of a dot).
So just regex replace(?<=\d),(?=\d)
(Or alternatively using capture groups regex replace(\d),(\d)
) -
Emosewaj said in [Support] Mono Syntax Error:
Ox_ You're implying they know what regex or Search and Replace are, lol
I guess, but it's not like you need to know.
First link on Google gives you an online tool to which you copy paste exactly what I said and all done. -
This post is deleted!
Hi. I’ve replaced the outline colors with the RGB I like and I have also changed ROUND WIN to my text I want, and I checked to see if it would replace and it has But the server crashes 0.01 seconds before the killcam shows, the text is displayed, but the server crashes right right before the killcam shows, why?
#include maps/mp/_utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_audio; #include maps/mp/_music; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_message; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_util; init() { precachestring( &"MENU_POINTS" ); precachestring( &"MP_FIRSTPLACE_NAME" ); precachestring( &"MP_SECONDPLACE_NAME" ); precachestring( &"MP_THIRDPLACE_NAME" ); precachestring( &"MP_WAGER_PLACE_NAME" ); precachestring( &"MP_MATCH_BONUS_IS" ); precachestring( &"MP_CODPOINTS_MATCH_BONUS_IS" ); precachestring( &"MP_WAGER_WINNINGS_ARE" ); precachestring( &"MP_WAGER_SIDEBET_WINNINGS_ARE" ); precachestring( &"MP_WAGER_IN_THE_MONEY" ); precachestring( &"faction_popup" ); game[ "strings" ][ "draw" ] = &"MP_DRAW_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "round_draw" ] = &"MP_ROUND_DRAW_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "round_win" ] = &"MP_ROUND_WIN_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "round_loss" ] = &"MP_ROUND_LOSS_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "victory" ] = &"MP_VICTORY_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "defeat" ] = &"MP_DEFEAT_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "game_over" ] = &"MP_GAME_OVER_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "halftime" ] = &"MP_HALFTIME_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "overtime" ] = &"MP_OVERTIME_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "roundend" ] = &"MP_ROUNDEND_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "intermission" ] = &"MP_INTERMISSION_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "side_switch" ] = &"MP_SWITCHING_SIDES_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "match_bonus" ] = &"MP_MATCH_BONUS_IS"; game[ "strings" ][ "codpoints_match_bonus" ] = &"MP_CODPOINTS_MATCH_BONUS_IS"; game[ "strings" ][ "wager_winnings" ] = &"MP_WAGER_WINNINGS_ARE"; game[ "strings" ][ "wager_sidebet_winnings" ] = &"MP_WAGER_SIDEBET_WINNINGS_ARE"; game[ "strings" ][ "wager_inthemoney" ] = &"MP_WAGER_IN_THE_MONEY_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "wager_loss" ] = &"MP_WAGER_LOSS_CAPS"; game[ "strings" ][ "wager_topwinners" ] = &"MP_WAGER_TOPWINNERS"; game[ "menu_endgameupdate" ] = "endgameupdate"; precachemenu( game[ "menu_endgameupdate" ] ); level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player thread hintmessagedeaththink(); player thread lowermessagethink(); player thread initnotifymessage(); player thread initcustomgametypeheader(); } } initcustomgametypeheader() { font = "default"; titlesize = 2,5; self.customgametypeheader = createfontstring( font, titlesize ); self.customgametypeheader setpoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, 30 ); self.customgametypeheader.glowalpha = 1; self.customgametypeheader.hidewheninmenu = 1; self.customgametypeheader.archived = 0; self.customgametypeheader.color = ( 1, 1, 0,6 ); self.customgametypeheader.alpha = 1; titlesize = 2; self.customgametypesubheader = createfontstring( font, titlesize ); self.customgametypesubheader setparent( self.customgametypeheader ); self.customgametypesubheader setpoint( "TOP", "BOTTOM", 0, 0 ); self.customgametypesubheader.glowalpha = 1; self.customgametypesubheader.hidewheninmenu = 1; self.customgametypesubheader.archived = 0; self.customgametypesubheader.color = ( 1, 1, 0,6 ); self.customgametypesubheader.alpha = 1; } hintmessage( hinttext, duration ) { notifydata = spawnstruct(); notifydata.notifytext = hinttext; notifydata.duration = duration; notifymessage( notifydata ); } hintmessageplayers( players, hinttext, duration ) { notifydata = spawnstruct(); notifydata.notifytext = hinttext; notifydata.duration = duration; i = 0; while ( i < players.size ) { players[ i ] notifymessage( notifydata ); i++; } } showinitialfactionpopup( team ) { self luinotifyevent( &"faction_popup", 1, game[ "strings" ][ team + "_name" ] ); maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_message::oldnotifymessage( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ); } initnotifymessage() { if ( !sessionmodeiszombiesgame() ) { if ( self issplitscreen() ) { titlesize = 2; textsize = 1,4; iconsize = 24; font = "big"; point = "TOP"; relativepoint = "BOTTOM"; yoffset = 30; xoffset = 30; } else { titlesize = 2,5; textsize = 1,75; iconsize = 30; font = "big"; point = "TOP"; relativepoint = "BOTTOM"; yoffset = 0; xoffset = 0; } } else if ( self issplitscreen() ) { titlesize = 2; textsize = 1,4; iconsize = 24; font = "big"; point = "TOP"; relativepoint = "BOTTOM"; yoffset = 30; xoffset = 30; } else { titlesize = 2,5; textsize = 1,75; iconsize = 30; font = "big"; point = "BOTTOM LEFT"; relativepoint = "TOP"; yoffset = 0; xoffset = 0; } self.notifytitle = createfontstring( font, titlesize ); self.notifytitle setpoint( point, undefined, xoffset, yoffset ); self.notifytitle.glowalpha = 1; self.notifytitle.hidewheninmenu = 1; self.notifytitle.archived = 0; self.notifytitle.alpha = 0; self.notifytext = createfontstring( font, textsize ); self.notifytext setparent( self.notifytitle ); self.notifytext setpoint( point, relativepoint, 0, 0 ); self.notifytext.glowalpha = 1; self.notifytext.hidewheninmenu = 1; self.notifytext.archived = 0; self.notifytext.alpha = 0; self.notifytext2 = createfontstring( font, textsize ); self.notifytext2 setparent( self.notifytitle ); self.notifytext2 setpoint( point, relativepoint, 0, 0 ); self.notifytext2.glowalpha = 1; self.notifytext2.hidewheninmenu = 1; self.notifytext2.archived = 0; self.notifytext2.alpha = 0; self.notifyicon = createicon( "white", iconsize, iconsize ); self.notifyicon setparent( self.notifytext2 ); self.notifyicon setpoint( point, relativepoint, 0, 0 ); self.notifyicon.hidewheninmenu = 1; self.notifyicon.archived = 0; self.notifyicon.alpha = 0; self.doingnotify = 0; self.notifyqueue = []; } oldnotifymessage( titletext, notifytext, iconname, glowcolor, sound, duration ) { if ( level.wagermatch && !level.teambased ) { return; } notifydata = spawnstruct(); notifydata.titletext = titletext; notifydata.notifytext = notifytext; notifydata.iconname = iconname; notifydata.sound = sound; notifydata.duration = duration; self.startmessagenotifyqueue[ self.startmessagenotifyqueue.size ] = notifydata; self notify( "received award" ); } notifymessage( notifydata ) { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); self.messagenotifyqueue[ self.messagenotifyqueue.size ] = notifydata; self notify( "received award" ); } playnotifyloop( duration ) { playnotifyloop = spawn( "script_origin", ( 1, 1, 1 ) ); playnotifyloop playloopsound( "uin_notify_data_loop" ); duration -= 4; if ( duration < 1 ) { duration = 1; } wait duration; playnotifyloop delete(); } shownotifymessage( notifydata, duration ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); self.doingnotify = 1; waitrequirevisibility( 0 ); self notify( "notifyMessageBegin" ); self thread resetoncancel(); if ( isDefined( notifydata.sound ) ) { self playlocalsound( notifydata.sound ); } if ( isDefined( notifydata.musicstate ) ) { self maps/mp/_music::setmusicstate( notifydata.music ); } if ( isDefined( notifydata.leadersound ) ) { self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_audio::leaderdialogonplayer( notifydata.leadersound ); } if ( isDefined( notifydata.glowcolor ) ) { glowcolor = notifydata.glowcolor; } else { glowcolor = ( 1, 1, 1 ); } if ( isDefined( notifydata.color ) ) { color = notifydata.color; } else { color = ( 1, 1, 1 ); } anchorelem = self.notifytitle; if ( isDefined( notifydata.titletext ) ) { if ( isDefined( notifydata.titlelabel ) ) { self.notifytitle.label = notifydata.titlelabel; } else { self.notifytitle.label = &""; } if ( isDefined( notifydata.titlelabel ) && !isDefined( notifydata.titleisstring ) ) { self.notifytitle setvalue( notifydata.titletext ); } else { self.notifytitle settext( notifydata.titletext ); } self.notifytitle setcod7decodefx( 200, int( duration * 1000 ), 600 ); self.notifytitle.glowcolor = glowcolor; self.notifytitle.color = color; self.notifytitle.alpha = 1; } if ( isDefined( notifydata.notifytext ) ) { if ( isDefined( notifydata.textlabel ) ) { self.notifytext.label = notifydata.textlabel; } else { self.notifytext.label = &""; } if ( isDefined( notifydata.textlabel ) && !isDefined( notifydata.textisstring ) ) { self.notifytext setvalue( notifydata.notifytext ); } else { self.notifytext settext( notifydata.notifytext ); } self.notifytext setcod7decodefx( 100, int( duration * 1000 ), 600 ); self.notifytext.glowcolor = glowcolor; self.notifytext.color = color; self.notifytext.alpha = 1; anchorelem = self.notifytext; } if ( isDefined( notifydata.notifytext2 ) ) { if ( self issplitscreen() ) { if ( isDefined( notifydata.text2label ) ) { self iprintlnbold( notifydata.text2label, notifydata.notifytext2 ); } else { self iprintlnbold( notifydata.notifytext2 ); } } else { self.notifytext2 setparent( anchorelem ); if ( isDefined( notifydata.text2label ) ) { self.notifytext2.label = notifydata.text2label; } else { self.notifytext2.label = &""; } self.notifytext2 settext( notifydata.notifytext2 ); self.notifytext2 setpulsefx( 100, int( duration * 1000 ), 1000 ); self.notifytext2.glowcolor = glowcolor; self.notifytext2.color = color; self.notifytext2.alpha = 1; anchorelem = self.notifytext2; } } if ( isDefined( notifydata.iconname ) ) { iconwidth = 60; iconheight = 60; if ( isDefined( notifydata.iconwidth ) ) { iconwidth = notifydata.iconwidth; } if ( isDefined( notifydata.iconheight ) ) { iconheight = notifydata.iconheight; } self.notifyicon setparent( anchorelem ); self.notifyicon setshader( notifydata.iconname, iconwidth, iconheight ); self.notifyicon.alpha = 0; self.notifyicon fadeovertime( 1 ); self.notifyicon.alpha = 1; waitrequirevisibility( duration ); self.notifyicon fadeovertime( 0,75 ); self.notifyicon.alpha = 0; } else { waitrequirevisibility( duration ); } self notify( "notifyMessageDone" ); self.doingnotify = 0; } waitrequirevisibility( waittime ) { interval = 0,05; while ( !self canreadtext() ) { wait interval; } while ( waittime > 0 ) { wait interval; if ( self canreadtext() ) { waittime -= interval; } } } canreadtext() { if ( self maps/mp/_utility::isflashbanged() ) { return 0; } return 1; } resetondeath() { self endon( "notifyMessageDone" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); self waittill( "death" ); resetnotify(); } resetoncancel() { self notify( "resetOnCancel" ); self endon( "resetOnCancel" ); self endon( "notifyMessageDone" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); level waittill( "cancel_notify" ); resetnotify(); } resetnotify() { self.notifytitle.alpha = 0; self.notifytext.alpha = 0; self.notifyicon.alpha = 0; self.doingnotify = 0; } hintmessagedeaththink() { self endon( "disconnect" ); for ( ;; ) { self waittill( "death" ); if ( isDefined( self.hintmessage ) ) { self.hintmessage destroyelem(); } } } lowermessagethink() { self endon( "disconnect" ); messagetexty = level.lowertexty; if ( self issplitscreen() ) { messagetexty = level.lowertexty - 50; } self.lowermessage = createfontstring( "default", level.lowertextfontsize ); self.lowermessage setpoint( "CENTER", level.lowertextyalign, 0, messagetexty ); self.lowermessage settext( "" ); self.lowermessage.archived = 0; timerfontsize = 1,5; if ( self issplitscreen() ) { timerfontsize = 1,4; } self.lowertimer = createfontstring( "default", timerfontsize ); self.lowertimer setparent( self.lowermessage ); self.lowertimer setpoint( "TOP", "BOTTOM", 0, 0 ); self.lowertimer settext( "" ); self.lowertimer.archived = 0; } setmatchscorehudelemforteam( team ) { if ( level.roundscorecarry ) { self setvalue( getteamscore( team ) ); } else { self setvalue( getroundswon( team ) ); } } teamoutcomenotify( winner, isround, endreasontext ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); self notify( "reset_outcome" ); team = self.pers[ "team" ]; while ( isDefined( team ) && team == "spectator" ) { i = 0; while ( i < level.players.size ) { if ( self.currentspectatingclient == level.players[ i ].clientid ) { team = level.players[ i ].pers[ "team" ]; break; } else { i++; } } } if ( !isDefined( team ) || !isDefined( level.teams[ team ] ) ) { team = "allies"; } while ( self.doingnotify ) { wait 0,05; } self endon( "reset_outcome" ); headerfont = "extrabig"; font = "default"; if ( self issplitscreen() ) { titlesize = 2; textsize = 1,5; iconsize = 30; spacing = 10; } else { titlesize = 3; textsize = 2; iconsize = 70; spacing = 25; } duration = 60000; outcometitle = createfontstring( headerfont, titlesize ); outcometitle setpoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, 30 ); outcometitle.glowalpha = 1; outcometitle.hidewheninmenu = 0; outcometitle.archived = 0; outcometitle.immunetodemogamehudsettings = 1; outcometitle.immunetodemofreecamera = 1; outcometext = createfontstring( font, 2 ); outcometext setparent( outcometitle ); outcometext setpoint( "TOP", "BOTTOM", 0, 0 ); outcometext.glowalpha = 1; outcometext.hidewheninmenu = 0; outcometext.archived = 0; outcometext.immunetodemogamehudsettings = 1; outcometext.immunetodemofreecamera = 1; if ( winner == "halftime" ) { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "halftime" ] ); outcometitle.color = ( 1, 1, 1 ); winner = "allies"; } else if ( winner == "intermission" ) { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "intermission" ] ); outcometitle.color = ( 1, 1, 1 ); winner = "allies"; } else if ( winner == "roundend" ) { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "roundend" ] ); outcometitle.color = ( 1, 1, 1 ); winner = "allies"; } else if ( winner == "overtime" ) { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "overtime" ] ); outcometitle.color = ( 1, 1, 1 ); winner = "allies"; } else if ( winner == "tie" ) { if ( isround ) { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "round_draw" ] ); } else { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "draw" ] ); } outcometitle.color = ( 0,29, 0,61, 0,7 ); winner = "allies"; } else if ( isDefined( self.pers[ "team" ] ) && winner == team ) { if ( isround ) { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "round_win" ] ); } else { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "victory" ] ); } outcometitle.color = ( 0,42, 0,68, 0,46 ); if ( isDefined( level.endvictoryreasontext ) ) { endreasontext = level.endvictoryreasontext; } } else { if ( isround ) { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "round_loss" ] ); } else { outcometitle settext( game[ "strings" ][ "defeat" ] ); } outcometitle.color = ( 0,73, 0,29, 0,19 ); if ( isDefined( level.enddefeatreasontext ) ) { endreasontext = level.enddefeatreasontext; } } outcometext settext( endreasontext ); outcometitle setcod7decodefx( 200, duration, 600 ); outcometext setpulsefx( 100, duration, 1000 ); iconspacing = 100; currentx = ( ( level.teamcount - 1 ) * -1 * iconspacing ) / 2; teamicons = []; teamicons[ team ] = createicon( game[ "icons" ][ team ], iconsize, iconsize ); teamicons[ team ] setparent( outcometext ); teamicons[ team ] setpoint( "TOP", "BOTTOM", currentx, spacing ); teamicons[ team ].hidewheninmenu = 0; teamicons[ team ].archived = 0; teamicons[ team ].immunetodemogamehudsettings = 1; teamicons[ team ].immunetodemofreecamera = 1; teamicons[ team ].alpha = 0; teamicons[ team ] fadeovertime( 0,5 ); teamicons[ team ].alpha = 1; currentx += iconspacing; _a650 = level.teams; _k650 = getFirstArrayKey( _a650 ); while ( isDefined( _k650 ) ) { enemyteam = _a650[ _k650 ]; if ( team == enemyteam ) { }
The code is still broken in the exact same way it was in your previous thread.
Topics merged, don't create multiple threads for the same topic.
Just out of curiosity, would you mind telling us where you got this code from ? I copy-pasted some random snippets I found to be odd into Google, and it leads me to Black Ops 3 forums.
Ox_ dudeeeeee, theirs a maximum to the amount of characters you can send, hence I sent half the script.. I obviously changed all of them to decimals man, I can send you the whole compiled edited file personally and you can see for yourself, it shows the text after round victory, but then 0.00000001 seconds before the killcam,
Connection Interrupted
Ox_ hey 0X just wanted to let you know also how would I have knew that it crashes 0.01 seconds if I didn’t have it compiled, if I did have the same stuff I would have gotten syntax error br0, which leading me to not find out the outcome of the updated string and the whole script itself In game