It won't let me run the plutonium application
When I download the plutonium download, it downloads properly but i don't see the piry.exe like showed in the screenshots. It keeps on saying
Failed to check for updates: Access to the path 'C:/Users/ BloopxX/ Downloads/ pluto_t6_full_game/plutoniumnew.exe is denied.
I don't know what to do but I cannot run the launcher nor the game it's self.
It also won't let me reinstall the program
First, you don't need piry. Second, move the game out of downloads to C:/Games or something. Delete both the launchers, the original one and the .new one (if it prompts an access denied error, restart your PC) then redownload it from Then run this as admin and try again.
I have nothing in the games but it still will not allow me to download the launcher once, again I am sorry for interrupting you. But I am just having these struggles that I cannot do anything about
I am going to try to restart my computer to see if that an work.
It says that MSVCP140.dll was not found and it wants me to re install the program again and I just did that tho
@BloopxX are you on win7? if yes, we don't support it.
I am on windows 10 pro
@BloopxX install both of these: -
Alright I'll let you know what happens
What do I do with it
I downloaded them both do i reinstall plutonium now
@BloopxX no you download and install both of them, they are installers. after that you try running pluto again.
Alrighty, It loaded up I just pressed play and im waiting now
do i gotta make a folder now
@BloopxX uh which step are you on now? Do you see the launcher? Switch to the bo2 game tab, click the setup button and select the pluto_t6_full_game folder after that you should be able to play.
Dss0 I am on the launcher
@BloopxX I have the launcher open from my downloads
I just did it from the folder i just made and i don't know what i did wrong
@BloopxX what do you mean? Switch to bo2 game tab in the launcher (on the left side below mw3) and hit the setup button and then select pluto_t6_full_game. If there is no setup button but a play button hit "game settings" and make sure the selected folder is pluto_t6_full_game.