I can't play because my launcher won't start and support doesn't respond: D
is the third topic that I create, when I click on the launcher, nothing happens, and all firewalls and antivirus are off, I click on the launcher, and it doesn't open, nor does it give any type of error or anything, it just doesn't start
If you find a solution tell me. this is my Instagram +private info removed+
yousef-al5m3le if u find some solution pls tell me too
+private info removed+ -
zlittlegrape zlittlegrape yousef-al5m3le
- If you're on win7 the only way of getting pluto to work is by upgrading to win10.
- Make sure your launcher is the latest version (you can check that by looking at the filesize, latest one is 4123KB), if it's not download it from here: https://cdn.plutonium.pw/updater/plutonium.exe.
- Download this https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1gG_DXaZfAUETfXaYJzCP36ImvE_bO_x9&export=download extract it to any location (you can delete it afterwards) and install all redist's and directx (dxsetup.exe in the directx folder).
- follow this video guide https://streamable.com/5giauo.
- run the launcher as admin.
Dss0 I did all the steps and still, the problem is that everything is apparently correct, but when I click to open the launcher, it does not open and does not give a type of error, nothing happens
right click and select run as administrator
nothing happen
zlittlegrape creating multiple topics about the same issue won't help you either. We simply do not know the solution.
Dss0 haha so, i cant play my zombies more ?