Bo2 piry
I downloaded bo2 from the torrent and the piry file does not appear in the folder
Sicario de Asado piry doesn't work anymore and you don't need it either, all it did was download the game and you already did that via the torrent.
Dss0 the torrent is the launcher/application yeah? i installed this and then went on to install zombies and installed it into the games file but nothing showed up whilst apparently allowing me to play but obviously when I hit play it comes up with an error. bro I just wanna play zombies with my little brother man so help me out pleaaaaase.
Dss0 ok thanks you are a good man
OhHeyItsSteven create a new topic and explain your issue in detail (including screenshots of error messages).
Dss0 i have mate, 8 views and no replyyyssss
Dss0 hi , yesyerday i tested black ops 2 multiplayer and this dont works , the error who appear It says that the selected folder does not contain the necessary game files, select the correct folder, I think the torrent did not download everything
Sicario de Asado Could you screenshot your bo2 folder and game settings of the launcher? Also try installing everything inside the redist folder.
HannesC where i look the settings ?
Sicario de Asado Open the launcher, hit BO2 then
Game Settings
Sicario de Asado You see the problem, no? You're trying to tell MW3 where your BO2 files are. Re-select your directory under Black Ops 2 on the side.
Chase sorry for do this trouble i am soo stupid xd