intervention in snipezone rust
Hi, can i know how to can play with the intervention sniper in the server SniperZone Rust pls ?
@Fr-Quikn i think you need to contact the server owners about it?
mikey Yesterday, i have see a player who playing with the intervention. i think it's not necessary to contact Staff of this server.
Moved the thread as it has nothing to do with Plutonium.
@Fr-Quikn Just make the same exact class as the MSR but instead just use the Intervention. The perks to the specialist unlocks.
@Fr-Quikn Make a class like this:
@Fr-Quikn Hey, I help run NexusCore SnipeZone.
To use the Intervention just make sure your class has Stinger, TK, Tac Insert, Juiced, and Specialist bonus.