Server Not Online
Alright, Im back. I tried discussing this in the Discord, and was sent here as my and someone else (itshyper) were having the same issue.
My server is up, and I can connect internally, but no one else is able to conenct, and it does not show on the server list. I have port forwarded 4976-4980, messed around with the firewall, and have it running on a dedicated PC to host it. I have tried both ports. I turned UPnP on and off.
The server itself is working as intended, just no one can connect.
Orbaj yesterday you said your server was visible in this list so are you saying it no longer is now?
It still shows in there, and i can connect manually. But no one else can connect manually, and it does not show on the games server list
Orbaj if it shows on the api everyone outside your network is able to see it, that's the same list the client retrieves when refreshing the serverlist.
I am currently talking in Discord and no one else can see it in the server list, nor can they connect when trying to connect manually.
Someone in the bo2-support group in discord even tried pinging the IP and got nothing back.
Sorry if im responding slow it only allows me to send a message every 10 minutes