Zombies Starter Weapons and weapon IDs
How would you change the starting weapons in buried? also is there a list of weapon IDs?
@AmadeusWolf You can use this resource as a reference: https://github.com/JezuzLizard/Public-BO2-Mods/blob/master/Configuration Mod/black ops 2 weapon names.md for the weapon names.
As for setting the start weapon you can use
level.start_weapon = "weapon_name";
in your _clientids.gsc init(). -
Thank you
does this work in bo1? JezuzLizard
Sadwhick These weapon names were determined by seeing what weapons are loaded on the map and used in the mystery box by looking at the scripts.
Search the scripts for add_zombie_weapon and see what weapons they add to the box to know what the weapon names are for each map.