More support for controllers please!
Hi guys,I am currently having problems with controllers.I'm mainly a console player and uses gamepad everytime I play CoD,and now I discovered that my humble laptop can run BO2 Plutonium.After battling with my DS3 to work on W10,I was finally able to experience this game,and well,things were not as good as expected.
Basically,since Plutonium can't recognize DS3 controllers AT ALL(Because I used FireShock BUS Emulator to make this thing work properly),it gives me Xbox 360/One controller mapping,and this mapping caused me to freak out because all the buttons are the same as the PS3 version(at least,their equivalents in xbox behave the same as PS3),but the triggers(aka shooting,aiming and throwing grenades buttons)L1/L2/R1/R2 or LB/RB/LT/RT in Xbox are reversed(I got used to PS mapping with L1 and R1 for aiming and shooting).I don't know how to invert them back to this setting,I'm looking for help.
Please,give me a kind response below,I'm in desperate need of a CoD.I quit IW6X simply because of this,don't make me quit this game too.
well for one this is not meant to be a console replacement project and call of duty on pc never had support for playstation controllers only xbox and pc equivalent that is why you see xbox inputs because of the game only supporting xinput and your program to get it working emulates xinput. if you are wanting ps style buttons here is this link this should if installed properly give you playstation buttons when playing vs seeing xbox buttons
Thanks man,I didn't know this was a thing!
After finally being able to solve everything of my 2 previous posts now I have other problem:Where and how can I change my DS3 controllers?(I mean,swapping R2/L2 for aiming and shooting for R1/L1,this is my only problem because I feel I'm more precise like that)
I merged the 2 topics, there is no need to create a new one.
Xerxes said in More support for controllers please!:
I merged the 2 topics, there is no need to create a new one.
Thanks man,but how am I supposed to bind this?
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+speed_throw";bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+attack";bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+smoke";bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+frag"
Put this in the console, you have to type this every time you launch the game as settings are not saved.
Shouldn't he unbind the buttons first?
Xerxes No difference even with unbinding them.
Pistakilla Oh thanks man,I appreciate your input,btw how can I mark this topic as answered and close it?
Just make a edit on top of your post as ANSWERED or SOLVED. As for closing it, I'll lock this thread.