"Sending Heartbeat"
Hi, I tried to create my server but when i run it, it doesn't work. I opened the ports but nothing. I can connect only using the command "connect localhost:4676" but, none can see my Server. What can I do?
Probably because you haven't port forwarded or you didn't include your server key.
H3X1C said in "Sending Heartbeat":
port forwarded
I add te port in the Firewall and in the router, but nothing. How can I include a Server key?
MrFantastic please read the server guide here on the forum.
H3X1C I read all but nothing and I tried to install W4MAdmin but nothing. I followed all the steps of making a Server, but I don't found how to include a Server Key, can you tell me how can I do?
Apologies I thought your server was a MW3 one. As it's a BO2 one and you can connect locally either you have NAT loopback which will mean everyone else can see the server but you cannot, so ask a friend to confirm this, or simply your port is not open.
H3X1C I asked my friends to try to find my server but they don't see it. I open the single port (4976) but, the Server doesn't work...
If you can join the server via local host and your friends can't see it in the list it means 99% your port is not open.
H3X1C How can I open the port?
Port forwarding, consult your ISP documentation on how to do so on your router.
MrFantastic do you have kaspersky installed?
H3X1C I open the ports in the router but, I read online that my internet operator provides a netted IP so I don't have a public IP.
Combine No
That means you can't host then.