@Tentha Hey, sorry I haven't seen this! Work has really swamped me down lately so I really haven't had the time to work on this, but I'm super glad you've had a look and made something out of it! And you're right, it's a really simple fix, I just haven't really had the time or the motivation to work on it. When I do (eventually) update the pack, they're more than likely the only changes I'm going to make anyway
Regardless, I very much appreciate you crediting me and respecting much work as such. Since there's seemingly such a demand, I'll try and update it as soon as I can

[Release] Vanguard Perk Shaders -
[Release] Vanguard Perk Shaders -
[Release] Vanguard Zombies GoldHaving some more fun with Greyhound in Vanguard lately.
Here's a shoddy conversion of the "Zombies Gold" camo from Vanguard as the Victis Pack a Punch camo!
Works in Tranzit/Town/Farm, Die Rise, Buried, and Nuketown (of course)Looks alright on most guns, some are a little hard to tell, but it turned out alright for the most part.
Here are a couple screenshots:
Town is a little bland, so it's not the best example, but I imagine it will look pretty nice on the other maps.
Credits and install instructions are in the ZIP as always.
Thanks for downloading!
- sparkles
[Release] Vanguard Perk ShadersAdrX003 Yo that's actually pretty unfortunate
if so, I hope the Greyhound devs can find some sort of workaround
[Release] Vanguard Perk ShadersAfter like 3 weeks on and off working on these, I'm finally happy to release my Vanguard Perk Shaders pack!
Replaces all 12 perk icons across all maps to Vanguard style perks.
Quick Revive, Juggernog, Stamin Up, Speed Cola, and Deadshot have all been replaced with direct rips from Vanguard. Each of the other perks have all been recreated by me from (mostly) the ground up! I did my best to reimagine them all in the Vanguard style.
Here's a preview of everything in the pack side by side!
Feel free to use these in custom maps or texture packs, so long as you credit me somewhereCredits and install instructions for this pack are in the text document included in the ZIP download.
Thanks for downloading!
- sparkles
EDIT: The icons have been updated! They are now much brighter than in the previous pack. Big thanks to Tentha, W1LM3R, and everyone else in the replies for motivating me to update this
[Release] Pride Month Camo PackChase Thank you so much! Very glad with how they turned out
[Release] Pride Month Camo PackWhat's up gamers. Happy Pride Month y'all. I made y'all LGBTs a camo pack to help celebrate pride month in Black Ops 2!
Replaces all the default MP unlockable camos except for Carbon Fiber, Gold, and Diamond.
Here are some screenshots:
The list of flags is in the Install Instructions.txt file included in the zip.
Hope y'all enjoy, and stay proud
DL: https://mega.nz/file/F9IEkboI#bu5qJgD3csQC56krPrMnUMTQJlL8wHWbKfK5ZjT5CDo
Texture NamesSo I've been texturing and stuff since the Redacted days, and I've always had a problem with Tom's exporter, where any texture without the correct name (a string of numbers) wouldn't load in the game, and there's no way to find the original name without reverse engineering the whole ipak file like Tom did.
Any chance anyone either has these texture names, or some other work around, that will let us reskin these textures?
Example screenshot^ all these textures can't be loaded without the original names. I think there are a few Weaponized files in there, Afterlife, the AW pre-order camo, and a few camo previews and map previews.