Call of Duty: Black Ops II Zombies - Remix
This mod changes many aspects of the game in hopes of improving pacing and enjoyability.
Created by: 5and5
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How to Install
YouTube Video
Automatic Installer
- Download and install BO2 Plutonium Plutonium Download
- Download the latest version of Remix Installer
- Double click on "BO2-Remix-Installer.bat" this will download the latest version of Remix and copy all the files into
- Launch the game and enjoy!
Manual Installation
- Download and install BO2 Plutonium Plutonium Download
- Download the latest version of Remix
- Open "" and copy everything into
- Launch the game and enjoy!
Custom Survival Maps Installation
- Go here for more information
- Download Remix Custom Survival Maps
- Open "" and copy everything into
- Double click on "Plutonum.bat" to launch the game. If you launch the game using the normal launcher it will replace the menu file.
Change Notes
- Zombies start running at round 1
- Walkers removed
- Coop pause
- Three weapon slots by default
- Zombies health scales more linearly
- Insta kill rounds start on round 115 on normal maps then happen every odd round after
- Insta kill rounds start on round 75 on survival maps then happen every odd round after
- 12 hour reset
- Tweaked graphics
- Tweaked vision set
- Rotating skybox
- Fog disabled
- Night mode option with
night_mode 1
- Change zombies eye color with
eye_color 1
- Bank automatically full
- Perma Perks given
- Fridge has AN94 or War Machine depending on the map
- Set box starting locations
- First box
- Round 255 round cap removed
- In game fast ray
rapid_fire 1
- Characters can be selected with
- Timer
- Round timer
- Health bar
- SPH - appears after round 50
- Zombies remaining counter
- Current zone
- Trap timer
- All hud can be turned on with
hud_all 1
- Hud text color can be changed with
hud_color 1 1 1
"1" can be any value from 0 to 1 - Health bar hud color can be changed with
hud_color_health 1 1 1
"1" can be any value from 0 to 1
- Starting points set to 555
- Max points set to 500005
- Reduced fall damage
Power Ups
- Drop rate increased from 3% to 4%
- Fire sales removed
- Max ammos refill clip as well
- Carpenters repair shields
- Insta kill timer stacks
- Double points timer stacks
- Nukes kill zombies faster
- Perk bottles give extra perk slot
- Effect added to the first drop of a new powerup cycle
- Players can sprint while drinking perks
- Perk bottles also increase players perk limit by 1
- Mulekick increases ads, weapon switching, grenade tossing and perk drinking
- Deadshot increases head shot damage by x2
- Who's who wont activate when player has quick revive
- Electric cherry wont activate when a player goes down
- Proning in front of perks gives you 100 points
Mystery Box
- Weapons can be shared by knifing the box
- Box moves instantly now
- Box perma perk guarantees a good weapon first hit
- First box setup guaranteed
- Mark 2 probability increased from 33% to 50%
- All parts are given at the start of the game
- Increased buildable buy distance
- Buildables can be built without looking at them
- Explosive damage scaling increased
- Increased wall weapon buy distance
- Buying wall weapon ammo fills clip
- Claymores do 1/2 of zombies max health
- Max claymores changed from 12 per player to 10 total on the map at a time
- Dogs are enabled by default except on Nuketown
- Dogs rounds always happen every 4 rounds
Bus Depot
- Pack-A-Punch added
- Claymores added
- Pack-A-Punch added
- Claymores added
- Speed cola moved to tombstone location
- Tombstone removed
- Olympia wall buy replaced with an mp5
- Claymores added
Nuke Town
- Pack-a-punch and jug will always land in the backyard that the box starts at
- Set box starting location with
nuked_box yellow
ornuked_box green
- Perks drop in the same order every game ( revive, jug, pap, speed cola, double tap )
- Disabled zombies spawning in the middle while players are in either backyards
- Limited M27
- Denizens disabled
- All light post portals are always active
- Pap door is always open
- Removed iron boards
- Farm barn zone acts the same as it does on Farm
- Outside of Farm zone acts the same even if you open the door
- Bus parts are prebuilt except cattle catcher
- Dinner hatch is prebuilt
- Turret does not need a turbine
- Electric trap does not need a turbine
- Jetgun recharges faster
- Jetgun recharges while away
- Jetgun returns to bench when over heated
No Power
- Enable no power game with
no_power 1
- This disables turbine workbench and jetgun
Die Rise
- Leaper rounds always happen every 4 rounds
- Perma phd flopper added
- Limited where players can camp while in the shaft
- Zombies no longer jump across to trample steam zone
- Disabled ground spawner in square room
- Elevator wait time changed from 5-20 to 7-12 seconds
- Standing on elevators make them move quicker
- Key is given on spawn
- Key is given 20 seconds after used
- Key can lock elevators in a pre set position
- Semtex wallbuy added by b23r
- Sliquifier kills till round 255
- Sliquifier continues to chain while put away
- Sliquifier no longer drops extra goo
<!-- - Sliquifier goo removed -->
Mob of the Dead
- Blundergat spawns in wardens office without collecting 5 skulls
- Set key to always spawn next to the cafeteria
- All plane parts are given on spawn in solo only
- Plane automatically refills
- Zombie shield bench added inside wardens office
- Zombie shield inside wardens has a 5 minute cooldown
- Fan trap no longer kills players instantly
- Sniper trap does infinite damage
- Acid trap player damage cool down increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
- Opening double tap door does not cause zombies to spawn upstairs
- Blundergat damage no longer falls off
- Blundergat is no longer limited in the box
- Blundergat ammo reduced by 1/3
- Acidgat ammo reduced by 1/3
- Tomahawk is upgraded when picked up
- Tomahawk reduced cooldown from 5 to 4 seconds
- Initial spawns changed to be closer to the slide
- Vultureaid will always be the last perk given by the witches
- Removed barricade in front of jug
- Nerfed jug spawn zone
- Spawned turbine workbench by candy shop
- Subwoofer gives powerups
- Subwoofer has increased range
- Turbine starts dying at 17% instead of 50% power
- Pack-a-punch camo replaced with Mob of the Dead animated camo
anim_pap_camo_buried 0
to disable
- Leroy runs 25% longer when meleed with a Bowie Knife
- Leroy runs 50% longer when meleed with Galvaknuckles
- Tank has instant cool down
- Pack-a-punch is always on
- First robot always comes over tank station
- Reduced soul boxes zombie requirement from 30 to 15
- Replace the 115 packed weapon reward with a Raygun Mark 2
- All records and buildable parts are given on spawn
- Gramophone is no longer needed
- Teleporters activate as soon as doors leading to them are opened
- Teleporters in the crazy place can be used without first being used from the other side
Special Rounds
- Panzers will come every 4 rounds on solo and coop
- Generator zombies can come every 4 rounds
- Generator zombies will come the same round as you turn on 4 or more generators
- Staffs can be upgraded without doing the easter egg steps
- Upgraded lighting does infinite damage
- Pack-a-punch camo can be replaced with Mob of the Dead animated camo
anim_pap_camo_origins 1
Crazy Place
- Moving walls at disabled
- All gems are spawned
Shovel and Helmet
- Shovels are given on spawn
- Golden shovels are awarded after 5 digs
- Golden helmet chance increased from 5% to 20%
Dig spots
- Removed firesale, zombie blood and bonus points as possible powerups that can be dug
- Dug powerups spawn in a cycle (4 main powerups)
- Hidden perk bottle dig spots are visible without zombie blood
- Hidden perk bottle dig spots respawn every round
- Hidden perk bottles give all 9 perk slots
Source Code
- BO2-Remix -
- BO1-Remix -
- JezuzLizard
- JBleezy
- ZECxR3ap3r
- Bandit
- Naomi
- Chase
- DoktorSAS
- HuthTV