Como evito que me salga esto? -
Ayuda con mi sensibilidadHola me esta pasando que al apuntar la sensibilidad se vuelve muy lenta, vengo de tekno y juego con 1.5 de sensibilidad dentro del mw3 y 2000 dpi en el mouse y ahora en plutonium todo va perfecto hasta que hago zoom con la mira que se pone lenta la mira y rara vez se acelera demasiado lo cual es molesto tmb, la cosa es q la sensibilidad nunca es la misma y no hay forma de hacer memoria muscular con ella. ayúdame con eso
Help SensitivityHello, it is happening to me that when aiming the sensitivity becomes very slow, I come from tekno and I played with 1.5 sensitivity within the mw3 and 2000 dpi in the mouse and now in plutonium everything is perfect until I zoom with the sight that is set slow and rarely speeds up. help me with that
Help AdminsOXIDE_Andybrtn
We Cubans are very fatal, even to play online we have work -
Help AdminsResxt
It is that 2 months ago we entered normal plutonium and we played perfectly and from one day to the next we have to use vpn otherwise we cannot play, that's why I said it, I hope they help us -
Help AdminsHello friends, a few months ago we Cubans suffered the unthinkable news that they blocked us in plutonium for being Cubans, please, if any big admin reads this, help us, using vpn is not a great idea because it significantly worsens our connection It is already very bad, please help, let the Cubans enjoy plutonium like the rest of the world, with the problems of hunger and misery that we have, it is enough, at least let us enjoy this little pastime in time free