Wooow noice love it

[MP] IW Diamond Camo -
ZM - MOTD ReskinNaomi_ Checking it out soon
ZM - MOTD ReskinKankerHunter nah, we need more anime
more astolfo plis
Purple PaP Camo (it's only that)Hook1234 this is the camo, pure purple
[Release] Treyarch Load Anim - Emilia DanceHad this on my files since redacted because i was still testing other dances but stopped dealing with them for some time, so
Heres Emilia dancing preview (transparent in game)
lui_loader.iwiafter download just make sure that the file is called lui_loader
Someday i might find the source.
[Release] - T6 : 3arc loading BO3 Stylejust remind me of one i was also not thinking was good to release
Origins Enhanced (With BO3 ZC textures)LKurama here the Panzer sounds
Now for the gen indicator, i would try to find the original textures, they might show up in Greyhound, dont know if you tried it.
[Release] Rocket Ride Code Snippetnothing was understood successfully
[Release][MP] BO3 Camo PackPrestige and TrueVet would need to be done on each weapon or Full Layered Camos/Animated camos like Bacon, Paladin, Ghosts, Afterlife etc because of the fake 3d fx
that would a job for another post cause it takes quite a wile
but wow, great pack as aways
Animated camoJapanTokyo the folder works, but the plutonium client might soon be changed to use only the images folder inside %localappdata%\plutonium....
[MP] [Release] Sativial's First Camo PackLove it
[MP] Halloween nuketownGewehr it would have a better haloween feel by adding a night skybox (the stuff already on it looks good)
Change starting gun?never seen M1911 working in origins, might be because we still cant change the map specific registered guns and the fx they might have.
Violaceous Galaxy camo(animated)Wow, nice one
[Release] [ZM] Mob of the Dead Easter Egg Solo ModJezuzLizard from what i remember, the team that made BGamerT5 dealt with alot of bot coding (if im writing it correctly), for bo1