It wasn't their fault piry.exe doesn't work anymore you know that right. Why would they get rid of something on purpose that is so convenient for downloading plutonium. Don't always jump to conclusions.
Why cant you just leave stuff as it is! smh -
Trojan in plutonium ?Its a false positive, you'll be fine
Failed to download files (SOLUTION FOUND)Danix55lol sNatch Llorentino40 RedSkull I found out how to fix it.
There are two ways to fix it
Restart your pc
If that doesn't work then do this
Go to C:\Users\alecp\AppData\Local\Plutonium\bin
then take out plutonium-launcher-win32.exe
then launch Plutonium.exe again
After these steps it should be up and running, if not I don't know what to say.
This is what I did to figure out the reason it wasn't working and fix it. -
Is this normal?PIRY.EXE is offline, do not use it anymore
Failed to download files (SOLUTION FOUND)And yes I have the entire BO2 folder as exclusion on windows defender.
Failed to download files (SOLUTION FOUND)This error happened this morning and was because windows defender kept deleting it, i fixed it even play some b02 today, and now i tried to re open it and its giving me the error again but windows defender didn't delete the file this time. Help please?