Bubbles There is a iw7 project going on can you send me the github or the website plz?

Infinite warfare zombies on plutonium??? -
Will a new pc ban my account?If I login on plutonium with a new computer will it ban my account?
HelpCan someone to host a CTF so I can get Pro Perks. And add bots.
Unlock pro perks?Damn that sucks
Unlock pro perks?How do it unlock pro perks?
How to unlock all?Title
New Launcher?Is this launcher coming soon?
BO1 looping score streaksI know in BO1 you can't loop score streaks. But is there going to be looping score streaks in plutonium BO1?
Buying Black ops 1?Thanks staff's
Buying Black ops 1?I know the dev's are working on black ops 1 should I buy the game?
Nvidia GeForce Experiencenever mind got it working
Nvidia GeForce ExperienceAnyone know how to get GeForce Experience to work with pluto? I got it working one time with the FPS and all of that.
Help with stutteringDss0 All right. I changed the Max Frame Rate in the Nvidia Control Panel to 140FPS. I tested it in a couple of lobbys and the stutter stopped. If it keeps stuttering, I'll let you know.
BTW, did y'all remove this command? cg_fovscale 1.2 because it used to work and it was my FOV.
Help with stutteringThis began yesterday. When I play, the game is fine. Then the game starts to stutter. I tried to reinstall the drivers then reinstall the full game. which I have on Steam. I reinstalled the launcher and deleted the Plutonium file. Example C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Plutonium But nothing works and it's really annoying. I don't get it the game has been working fine for months. Video= https://streamable.com/is78bs at 24sec it stutters bad. I played that in an empty lobby, but when I play in a TDM with 18 players, it gets worse. help plz