To me happen to almost any server trying to join ,why does it happen ?.
No available sessions were found - bo1 Zombie -
EXE cannot find zoneOh ,i had pathetic mistake,in settings it was targeted on t4 ,not t5 for this ...
EXE cannot find zoneI have same problem,fix solution from this link , doesn't work,or i don't know to use it,idk ...
[url=]quotes meaning in hindi[/url]
[url=][img][/img][/url]![alt text](image url) -
What filthy garbage is this ???.[url=][img][/img][/url]
Stop changing servers/maps/mods so fastI agree,but also not agree,yeah i know ..but look at the Sanatorium server,rarely i've seen it without players ,and it is there for very,very long time.There are many players ,always someone new.and i can play Sanatorium every few days without problem,not boring.
Changing map once every week is surely too fast ,that way only few players can say they played it and did easter egg.2 or even better 3 weeks for 1 map ,is much better,most players can find time to play it ,and some can even say it's getting boring :). -
Stop changing servers/maps/mods so fastWhere is Hypothesis map ?,and many other good ones.It's getting annoying ,playing some map for 2 or 3 days ,just getting used to it and then its gone...Few good servers keeps some maps like Sanatorium,Veruckt ....u can always rely on them ,but they are just few.While 9/10 servers are boring with non stop map changing.I have 999 mods installed and 990 of them are never to be played again it seems ....
Option to play t5 zombies alpha is goneMaybe its Aprililili ?.
Option to play t5 zombies alpha is goneI hope iT is gone for fixing.
Connection InterruptedSame problem,today,yesterday also ,idk what is happening but on some servers we can't play,is not only my side problem but for other players also.Ping is fine ,it is just that sometimes we are getting connection interupted and everyone dead....
Cant join any Zombies Server -
Cant join any Zombies ServerU try join some server ,u get loading bar ,and after that just black ?,if it's like this i also sometimes have this issue ,as i posted in my topic day ago.Sometimes i have that problem,sometimes i do not....weird.
1st round no pistol,no knife bug.So,name of topic say everything,sometimes when i join some server ,there is no pistol,nor knife,can't do anything ,it happened minutes ago on sanatorium map,and it wasn't only my issue,other players had it also...solution is to get downed and spawn next round....
Can't join serverNo ,players number doesn't matter ,now with 1 or 2 player on server i get this picture,with 3 player i got all black screen after loading bar.Why i can't join fucking server ????.
Can't join serverIt's something to do,i think ,about players on server,if there is 3 out of 4 player ,i can't join ,or very rare ,or idk what else could it be.....
Can't join serverHello,this problem sometimes happens,not all the time,but today it's one of those bad times....
Problem is shown in screenshot,simple as that,on some servers with mods it just stuck there ,that loading bar ,or what it could be called ...That on picture is Sanatorium ,but i played it yesterday ,and day before,and day before that,np.Today i can't join ,i also can't join some other mod maps ,same problem,loading bar just stuck near end and that's it ,if i wait enough,which i btw don't have pattience ,sometimes it say server disconected ,idk wtf that mean.
Overflow -
Downloading modeI couldn't edit above.Anyway i tried downloading mode from that site and it worked ,i played on that map in co op.
Downloading modeHmm,can i maybe download these mods from some site on internet and place them in correct folder: local/plutonium/storage/t4/mods ?.
Is this ok ?.;sa=view;down=2151 -
Downloading modeHow do i even play on servers that run some other maps other than original that came with the game ??.I mean co op zombies.
Over 2 hours my fuck... game stuck at 80% downloading some mode in zombies co op,i just clicked to join server and now it stuck at 80% ,do i need to do anything else ?.
Server list is PATHETICEvery second fucking server is trickshot which is interesting to kids,idk who would play on those,other than that there is few nuketown,hijacked servers and that's it .Nobody is playing on normal servers ,team deathmach that runs all maps that this game have,idk wtf is wrong with these players.