still waiting for the staff to reply...

Someone help me change the graphics settings for Plutonium Bootstrapper. -
Someone help me change the graphics settings for Plutonium Bootstrapper.oh i already know that. the only reason i asked if there's any way to not make the bootstrapper to change to high performance automatically without disabling my dgpu because whenever i'm playing mw3 and alt tab for some reason i'm getting lag spikes and temp spikes, minor stutter and my cpu will throttle or if i play the game for like 1 hours my cpu is already throttling.
Someone help me change the graphics settings for Plutonium Bootstrapper.but please man is there any other way to fix this? without disabling my dgpu?
Someone help me change the graphics settings for Plutonium Bootstrapper.Dss0 yep already did, but like i said, whenever i try to change it to power saving and if i open bo2 and it launch bootstrapper it automatically change to high performance idk why.
dyk how can i fix this?? i want to play but it's overheating resulting to my cpu speed throttling, i'm getting fps drop and major stuttering issue whenever my cpu get throttled down
Someone help me change the graphics settings for Plutonium can i change this to power saving? if i try to change it to power saving(igpu) it automatically changes to high performance(useless dgpu) as soon as the bootstrapper launch, it's making my laptop overheat.