Rip_Lucifer You running other mods?

Stamin-Up-and-PhD-on-Mob-for-an-autistic-dog -
[ZM] No Prison Lightning ScriptAs mentioned here:
Super simple script that just turns off lightning on Alcatraz/Prison. Original code completely by JezuzLizard, just wanted to make it easy to find for people who may just want it standalone cuz ik that shit fries my brain.
Simply add the compiled script to your zombies scripts folder, which can be found at:
- AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm
Help - How would I Create a File Dump to Find Server's Scripts -
[ZM] AnyLocker - Chat based locker for T6 Zombies MapsJezuzLizard Ah okay thank you, I'm pretty new to this so I thought it would probably be best if I try sort out my messy and buggy code before releasing the source properly.
Thanks for telling me about the error, I'll change it now
[ZM] AnyLocker - Chat based locker for T6 Zombies MapsChat based locker system for T6ZM servers.
Currently pretty buggy and messy code, but once I have ironed out a few more of these kinks I'll post source.
Allows users to save their current weapon to external file for 4000 points. Each of the 6 maps has it's own locker folder holding user weapons.Discord:
Compiled Code:, usage (and source in future): -
Server appearing and disappearing from listDss0 It's hosted at home, and I'm fairly certain when I don't see it, other players I'm trying to play with can't see it. Also I do not use port triggering, the port is forwarded correctly and is permanently open and accessible.
Maybe it's just a clientside issue but it definitely does happen to my friends trying to join so they just join with IP instead.
[Release] [Zombies] Bonus Survival Maps 3.0 (Updated January 2022)Fixel090 Do you have a server set up to run it on?
Server appearing and disappearing from listBasically server is working completely fine, people can join with no issues and all mods seemingly work perfectly.
However, sometimes the server appears on the Server Browser, then after a restart it's gone. You can still connect to it with connect <ip> but it's just not in the server browser.
One thing that may be interfering with it may be the fact I have 2 IP addresses, that can cause some issues like this. But is there any way to resolve this?