Is configurable deadzones going to be enabled for t4? it was enabled for t6 and iw5. This games default deadzone feels worse then both those games default deadzone. I know it’s the same value but for some reason it’s always felt off, I lowered it in an offline match and the game felt 100x smoother on controller. Myself and all other controller players would love it if an admin could enable it whenever they get a chance ️

Ball Sack
T4 Controller Deadzone Customization -
Voice Chat ProblemsFor controllers using voice chat is very trouble some. push to talk is required, but u can’t bind that push to talk to the controller. Making speaking and playing at the same time basically impossible on controller. was wondering if we could get the alternative to push to talk for controller players. maybe something we set at a threshold that if it reaches vocal audio goes through. if not could we get a way to bind push to talk to controller. thanks!
Stick Deadzone optionsMatrix could you please implement configurable deadzones into t4 if you get a chance. .2 deadzone is so clunky. it’d just be nice to match my deadzones on waw with the ones i put on bo2 and mw3. those games run wonderful with the customizable deadzones.
Zombies crash randomlyI also crashed on round 9 of shi no numa waw yesterday. Was playing solo and just randomly froze and in the bootstrap it said something about too many triangles if i remember properly.