I have been unreasonably permabanned for some unknown reason, I literally do not know why. If anyone from the support team could inform me on the details of my ban, I'd appreciate it, because it is frustrating lmao.
Banned -
Low FPS on startup and in game.For some reason, I can't seem to find, the startup of my plutonium is extremely slow and framey. There is cursor lag and this delay translates into the game as well, I followed the low fps guide and am still dealing with the same issues. Noted this happened almost out of nowhere just recently after months of my game running perfectly. I would really appreciate some help!
Unreasonably banned.I was banned from plutonium.
Unreasonably banned.I was casually playing and was banned due to "violating the anti-cheat", I'm not exactly sure what I did, or why I was banned. I'd appreciate a response from anyone who can investigate this, I just want to play!
ErrorDilingerPlay have u made any progress?
Errorhow do i fix Error (0xc000007b) Click OK to Close the Application when opening plutonium? I have been struggling with this error for about 2 weeks now.