gijoebo no one's talk about banning, it's just sadly.
Chianti DOCG
SeniorAdmin Cheating. -
SeniorAdmin Cheating.Dss0 We'll send more clips sus when I'll finish.
SeniorAdmin Cheating.helpless I suppose you're Russian as well.
SeniorAdmin Cheating.Sorex Sorex this is not a "troll" kill, he literally seeing that guy behind the wall, you can literally watch this at 0:04
SeniorAdmin Cheating.Sorex I repeat, on Nuketown it's really more easy than the other maps, I'll send more clips about this guy, and maybe you're gonna change your opinion.
SeniorAdmin Cheating.Sorex You send me a video of Nuketown, it's really easy, especially with friends, doing this tricks. In my video look the point 0:04, he literally aim that guy, it was pubblic match, not private match with friends, for fun. If you want I can send a lot of clips sus about this guy. I think today I'll.
SeniorAdmin Cheating.Ryinxr These clips, what doesn't it means exactly? Wow he fire up through the wall on Nuketown, the worst map to get killed though that. Look the video especially 0:04, he literally seeing that guy.
SeniorAdmin Cheating.helpless Explain these clips.
SeniorAdmin Cheating.Yeah, he's the SeniorAdmin.
How can I check if there's some mods inside that server? -
Camo's doesn't workingI put the files IWI in the directory t6r>data>images but it seems to not works, How can I fix this?.
BO2 CheatersSorex I don't understand one thing, what difference would it be if it were a Mod loaded inside the Server or an external Cheat? the fact that the external Cheat is detectable by the Anti Cheat and the Mod loaded in the Server is not? It is not a matter of "Change Server, and do not play it", just so you do nothing but enable the other admin of the servers to use Cheats.