anyone know how to fix this? its not fov cause even with 60 fov it's very noticeable. any fix? i cant provide vid.

Corn Pops
FIx texture popping (happens in bo2 and bo1) -
Custom Maps In BO2 Zombies?Do custom BO2 maps exist? If so, would anyone mind linking some (can even be your own)
THANK YOU PLUTONIUMThis thread is still open keep spamming your love for plutonium
THANK YOU PLUTONIUMMr. Android around xmas time I'm gonna donate to you guys, to show how much I appreciate ya
THANK YOU PLUTONIUMMr. Android may I have the name ps. thanks for being great
THANK YOU PLUTONIUMno cap we love all plutonium staff, admins, and the big boss man running it all. You guys really make my day. Lets use this discussion to let plutonium know how much we love them (reply to this to show your love)
i dont' have bo2JSJSJSJSJSJ then get it
IF YOUR T6 IS BROKEN READ THISDss0 I know its weird like why would the files not work but when I restate my pc it runs fine
IF YOUR T6 IS BROKEN READ THISSo yea if you have the issue where you press play and nothing happens well I had this and I re-installed windows and it fixed it (after I installed vc redist etc) so everyone their you go. Happy gaming
Please tell me how new my computer needs to beYo_Angelo "Have you attempted to download plutonium.exe again? yes and I forgot to mention it said the file couldn't run on my pc and to find a version that could run on my pc from the software publisher so that's why I asked whats the recwiements for plutonium i have a
64x operating system
4gb of ram
AMD Athlon(tm) Dual core processor 4450B 2.30 GHz -
Please tell me how new my computer needs to beYo_Angelo "Have you attempted to download plutonium.exe again? yes and I forgot to mention it said the file couldn't run on my pc and to find a version that could run on my pc from the software publisher so that's why I asked whats the recwiements for plutonium i have a
64x operating system
4gb of ram
AMD Athlon(tm) Dual core processor 4450B 2.30 GHz -
Please tell me how new my computer needs to beyes I ran as admin yes theirs exclusions for appdata and the base game folder but for some reason when I open the updater app it says It can't download launcher-win32 I triend running it manually but the file was 0kb and said it couldn't (I went into appdata manually) run on my pc but what im confused about is how new does my computer need to be Ive ran bo2 before I just had to reinstall it and here's what happened after I did that. This new launcher has caused lots of issues (no offends)
Crash ID: 9361d9586ed54f149f9d77def8bc62f8
Plutonium.Updater.Core.Models.UpdateException: Failed to update file bin/plutonium-launcher-win32.exe ---> System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\ianac\AppData\Local\Plutonium\bin\plutonium-launcher-win32.exe' because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) -
whenever I open plutonium and press play It crashes Antivirus off ran as administratorAntivirus off ran as administrator and made a exclusion for app data and the folder ware I keep the zone sound etc files for bo2 I cant send a vide but I can tell you I press play plutonium closes and NOTHING HAPPENNDS I see alot of people also have this issue to so yea please reply for any info on how I can resolve this
Does plutonium run on 64xDoes plutonium run on 64x
if you can may you please tell me or send me the filesmuch love from Canada
please tell me what this means please respondedDss0 and for some reason it said I couldint run the bootsrapper even tho im on windows 10 on the latest update
please tell me what this means please respondedDss0 i did like 6 times