Quick script that kicks any people who join after the defined round.
Quick script that kicks any people who join after the defined round.
Quick conversion of my T6 Script, Locks a server on a defined round and then Adds a randomly generated pin after a round so players disconnected can rejoin
After searching for a script that could track and save the highest round records for each player count (solo, duo, trio, and 4-player teams), I came across an older script from 2020: ZM Highest Round Tracker. which I have used as a reference for this script as it had become outdated. This script requires T6 utils https://github.com/alicealys/t6-gsc-utils
Script can be found below or at my github: https://github.com/CoreyUK/T6ZM-Scripts/blob/main/RoundSaver/CUKRoundSaver
I'm no GSC god so don't expect too much from me
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message;
level.highRoundOnePlayer = 0;
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundThreePlayers = 0;
level.highRoundFourPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundPlayersOne = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersThree = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersFour = "None";
level thread high_round_tracker();
level thread onPlayerConnect();
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread high_round_info();
thread high_round_info_giver();
gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) );
map = mapName( level.script );
if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" )
map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) );
level.basepath = getDvar("fs_homepath") + "/";
path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt";
file = fopen(path, "r");
text = fread(file);
highroundinfo = strToK( text, ";" );
if ( highroundinfo.size >= 8 )
level.highRoundOnePlayer = int( highroundinfo[ 0 ] );
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = int( highroundinfo[ 1 ] );
level.highRoundThreePlayers = int( highroundinfo[ 2 ] );
level.highRoundFourPlayers = int( highroundinfo[ 3 ] );
level.highRoundPlayersOne = highroundinfo[ 4 ];
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = highroundinfo[ 5 ];
level.highRoundPlayersThree = highroundinfo[ 6 ];
level.highRoundPlayersFour = highroundinfo[ 7 ];
level.highRoundOnePlayer = 0;
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundThreePlayers = 0;
level.highRoundFourPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundPlayersOne = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersThree = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersFour = "None";
for ( ;; )
level waittill ( "end_game" );
players = get_players();
numPlayers = players.size;
if ( numPlayers == 1 && level.round_number > level.highRoundOnePlayer )
updateHighRoundRecord(1, players);
else if ( numPlayers == 2 && level.round_number > level.highRoundTwoPlayers )
updateHighRoundRecord(2, players);
else if ( numPlayers == 3 && level.round_number > level.highRoundThreePlayers )
updateHighRoundRecord(3, players);
else if ( numPlayers == 4 && level.round_number > level.highRoundFourPlayers )
updateHighRoundRecord(4, players);
updateHighRoundRecord( numPlayers, players )
level.highRoundPlayers = "";
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( level.highRoundPlayers == "" )
level.highRoundPlayers = players[i].name;
level.highRoundPlayers = level.highRoundPlayers + "," + players[i].name;
foreach( player in level.players )
player tell( "New Record: ^1" + level.round_number );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayers );
if( numPlayers == 1 )
level.highRoundOnePlayer = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersOne = level.highRoundPlayers;
else if( numPlayers == 2 )
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = level.highRoundPlayers;
else if( numPlayers == 3 )
level.highRoundThreePlayers = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersThree = level.highRoundPlayers;
else if( numPlayers == 4 )
level.highRoundFourPlayers = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersFour = level.highRoundPlayers;
log_highround_record( level.highRoundOnePlayer + ";" + level.highRoundTwoPlayers + ";" + level.highRoundThreePlayers + ";" + level.highRoundFourPlayers + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersOne + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersTwo + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersThree + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersFour );
log_highround_record( newRecord )
gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) );
map = mapName( level.script );
if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" )
map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) );
level.basepath = getDvar("fs_homepath") + "/";
path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt";
file = fopen( path, "w" );
fwrite( file, newRecord );
fclose( file );
startLocationName( location )
if( location == "cornfield" )
return "Cornfield";
else if( location == "diner" )
return "Diner";
else if( location == "farm" )
return "Farm";
else if( location == "power" )
return "Power";
else if( location == "town" )
return "Town";
else if( location == "transit" )
return "BusDepot";
else if( location == "tunnel" )
return "Tunnel";
mapName( map )
if( map == "zm_buried" )
return "Buried";
else if( map == "zm_highrise" )
return "DieRise";
else if( map == "zm_prison" )
return "Motd";
else if( map == "zm_nuked" )
return "Nuketown";
else if( map == "zm_tomb" )
return "Origins";
else if( map == "zm_transit" )
return "Tranzit";
return "NA";
gamemodeName( gamemode )
if( gamemode == "zstandard" )
return "Standard";
else if( gamemode == "zclassic" )
return "Classic";
else if( gamemode == "zsurvival" )
return "Survival";
else if( gamemode == "zgrief" )
return "Grief";
else if( gamemode == "zcleansed" )
return "Turned";
return "NA";
highroundinfo = 1;
roundmultiplier = 5;
level endon( "end_game" );
while( 1 )
level waittill( "start_of_round" );
if( level.round_number == ( highroundinfo * roundmultiplier ))
foreach( player in level.players )
player tell( "High Round Record for 1 player: ^1" + level.highRoundOnePlayer );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersOne );
player tell( "High Round Record for 2 players: ^1" + level.highRoundTwoPlayers );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersTwo );
player tell( "High Round Record for 3 players: ^1" + level.highRoundThreePlayers );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersThree );
player tell( "High Round Record for 4 players: ^1" + level.highRoundFourPlayers );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersFour );
wait 6;
self tell( "High Round Record for 1 player: ^1" + level.highRoundOnePlayer );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersOne );
self tell( "High Round Record for 2 players: ^1" + level.highRoundTwoPlayers );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersTwo );
self tell( "High Round Record for 3 players: ^1" + level.highRoundThreePlayers );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersThree );
self tell( "High Round Record for 4 players: ^1" + level.highRoundFourPlayers );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersFour );