After searching for a script that could track and save the highest round records for each player count (solo, duo, trio, and 4-player teams), I came across an older script from 2020: ZM Highest Round Tracker. which I have used as a reference for this script as it had become outdated. This script requires T6 utils
Script can be found below or at my github:
I'm no GSC god so don't expect too much from me
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message;
level.highRoundOnePlayer = 0;
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundThreePlayers = 0;
level.highRoundFourPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundPlayersOne = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersThree = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersFour = "None";
level thread high_round_tracker();
level thread onPlayerConnect();
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread high_round_info();
thread high_round_info_giver();
gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) );
map = mapName( level.script );
if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" )
map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) );
level.basepath = getDvar("fs_homepath") + "/";
path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt";
file = fopen(path, "r");
text = fread(file);
highroundinfo = strToK( text, ";" );
if ( highroundinfo.size >= 8 )
level.highRoundOnePlayer = int( highroundinfo[ 0 ] );
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = int( highroundinfo[ 1 ] );
level.highRoundThreePlayers = int( highroundinfo[ 2 ] );
level.highRoundFourPlayers = int( highroundinfo[ 3 ] );
level.highRoundPlayersOne = highroundinfo[ 4 ];
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = highroundinfo[ 5 ];
level.highRoundPlayersThree = highroundinfo[ 6 ];
level.highRoundPlayersFour = highroundinfo[ 7 ];
level.highRoundOnePlayer = 0;
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundThreePlayers = 0;
level.highRoundFourPlayers = 0;
level.highRoundPlayersOne = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersThree = "None";
level.highRoundPlayersFour = "None";
for ( ;; )
level waittill ( "end_game" );
players = get_players();
numPlayers = players.size;
if ( numPlayers == 1 && level.round_number > level.highRoundOnePlayer )
updateHighRoundRecord(1, players);
else if ( numPlayers == 2 && level.round_number > level.highRoundTwoPlayers )
updateHighRoundRecord(2, players);
else if ( numPlayers == 3 && level.round_number > level.highRoundThreePlayers )
updateHighRoundRecord(3, players);
else if ( numPlayers == 4 && level.round_number > level.highRoundFourPlayers )
updateHighRoundRecord(4, players);
updateHighRoundRecord( numPlayers, players )
level.highRoundPlayers = "";
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( level.highRoundPlayers == "" )
level.highRoundPlayers = players[i].name;
level.highRoundPlayers = level.highRoundPlayers + "," + players[i].name;
foreach( player in level.players )
player tell( "New Record: ^1" + level.round_number );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayers );
if( numPlayers == 1 )
level.highRoundOnePlayer = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersOne = level.highRoundPlayers;
else if( numPlayers == 2 )
level.highRoundTwoPlayers = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersTwo = level.highRoundPlayers;
else if( numPlayers == 3 )
level.highRoundThreePlayers = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersThree = level.highRoundPlayers;
else if( numPlayers == 4 )
level.highRoundFourPlayers = level.round_number;
level.highRoundPlayersFour = level.highRoundPlayers;
log_highround_record( level.highRoundOnePlayer + ";" + level.highRoundTwoPlayers + ";" + level.highRoundThreePlayers + ";" + level.highRoundFourPlayers + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersOne + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersTwo + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersThree + ";" + level.highRoundPlayersFour );
log_highround_record( newRecord )
gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) );
map = mapName( level.script );
if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" )
map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) );
level.basepath = getDvar("fs_homepath") + "/";
path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt";
file = fopen( path, "w" );
fwrite( file, newRecord );
fclose( file );
startLocationName( location )
if( location == "cornfield" )
return "Cornfield";
else if( location == "diner" )
return "Diner";
else if( location == "farm" )
return "Farm";
else if( location == "power" )
return "Power";
else if( location == "town" )
return "Town";
else if( location == "transit" )
return "BusDepot";
else if( location == "tunnel" )
return "Tunnel";
mapName( map )
if( map == "zm_buried" )
return "Buried";
else if( map == "zm_highrise" )
return "DieRise";
else if( map == "zm_prison" )
return "Motd";
else if( map == "zm_nuked" )
return "Nuketown";
else if( map == "zm_tomb" )
return "Origins";
else if( map == "zm_transit" )
return "Tranzit";
return "NA";
gamemodeName( gamemode )
if( gamemode == "zstandard" )
return "Standard";
else if( gamemode == "zclassic" )
return "Classic";
else if( gamemode == "zsurvival" )
return "Survival";
else if( gamemode == "zgrief" )
return "Grief";
else if( gamemode == "zcleansed" )
return "Turned";
return "NA";
highroundinfo = 1;
roundmultiplier = 5;
level endon( "end_game" );
while( 1 )
level waittill( "start_of_round" );
if( level.round_number == ( highroundinfo * roundmultiplier ))
foreach( player in level.players )
player tell( "High Round Record for 1 player: ^1" + level.highRoundOnePlayer );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersOne );
player tell( "High Round Record for 2 players: ^1" + level.highRoundTwoPlayers );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersTwo );
player tell( "High Round Record for 3 players: ^1" + level.highRoundThreePlayers );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersThree );
player tell( "High Round Record for 4 players: ^1" + level.highRoundFourPlayers );
player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersFour );
wait 6;
self tell( "High Round Record for 1 player: ^1" + level.highRoundOnePlayer );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersOne );
self tell( "High Round Record for 2 players: ^1" + level.highRoundTwoPlayers );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersTwo );
self tell( "High Round Record for 3 players: ^1" + level.highRoundThreePlayers );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersThree );
self tell( "High Round Record for 4 players: ^1" + level.highRoundFourPlayers );
self tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.highRoundPlayersFour );