Hello, I already installed the map, how would I go about starting it in a private game?

MW3 DLC Maps as usermaps -
Plutonium OfflineHello guys! Yes, it's me again and with some problem. When I start plutonium without internet with
Echo off
. \ bin \ plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe iw5mp "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3" + name "DerekRTX" -lan
When you start the game, the message appears * Retrieving online profile * and it doesn't go from there. So my question is, is there any way to play Plutonium MW3 without internet? -
Crash after finishing a private gameHi guys I need help with plutonium iw5 because when I finish a private game, start and open the scoreboard, the game just hangs and crashes. Does anyone know the reason for this ?
, I put the code I throw in the crashdump.
Exception code: 0xC00000FDE Exception address: 0x00733507
Spanish Plutonium MW3Hello guys! I have a question about plutonium and its language and that is, do you have any way to put this in Spanish, like the menus? I would greatly appreciate your help with this question
[Preview] Retarded Insane BotsVERsingthegamez
¿En que lugar se tiene que colocar el archivo descargado y como se usa este Mod?PD:Muchas gracias por compartirlo.
[Preview] Retarded Insane BotsHello, very good job you did with the mod, but one question ... is there any way to increase the difficulty to the bots as shown in the videos? Because when I put them in my private game, the only thing they do It is going around shooting like crazy and from time to time taking a detour around the map. Thank you very much and I hope your answer. PS: Excuse my English, I actually speak Spanish so I had to use the translator to write this.