This is cool but wouldn’t it just be easier and cleaner to just use the replacefunc option?

[ZM] [Release] Remove Perk Limit -
Basic Chat Bank for serversAlright sorry fixed link. Should work now.
btw: you can change the command prefix to anything by switching out "!" in every line where it's mentioned".
[Release] [Zombies] Set Mystery Box Hits Before TeddyThis script allows you to set the amount of times the box can be used before getting a teddy bear that moves the box. If you set it high it will basically just be a permanent box location but I would not recommend that because you might get a shitty box location. I'm working on a way to set up the first box spawn location for each map so that will release soon if I can get that working.
Here is the code. Put this in AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp\zom
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; init() { if( GetDvar( #"zombiemode" ) == "1" ) level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { level endon("end_game"); for (;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); self waittill("spawned_player"); level thread boxhits(); wait 6; self iprintln("^1Box Hits Set to: ^4" +level.chest_min_move_usage); } boxhits() { if(!isdefined(level.chest_min_move_usage)) { level.chest_min_move_usage = 10; //change number to whatever you want. } if(level.chest_accessed < level.chest_min_move_usage) { chance_of_joker = -1; } else { chance_of_joker = 100; //change this to -1 if you want a permanent box } }
Basic Chat Bank for serverssome code came from resxt and doktorSAS. So thanks to them. I'm new to coding (only really know python) so this was cool to make but is very basic and noobish I feel.
Only works for servers
its gud, can easily be improved.
there might be a big flaw but I can't test to see if true
- !h : help; displays commands and script name
- !b : balance; displays current balance in bank
- !d : depoosit(
); deposit money into bank
- !w : withdrawl; withdrawl money from bank
uh... if you make improvements, add them here if your cool(
). or else(
at end of code was some ideas I had but im lazy and taking a break with pluto for a lil so if anyone wants to do that, that could be cool. but remember, or else(
I started a bo1 one but only got a chat reader and not a bank if anyone wants that I can add that to the bo1 releases.
ps: pluto give me back my server keys( dont wanna buy game for $60, but I got 3 copies on ps3 and 2 on xbox 360)
(moyai emoji looks terrible on here)