chicken emoji Thank you so much for your help! That works perfectly!
I'm trying to make a max ammo reward that's given to players after completing every round. This is what I have so far but it does nothing. -
I'm trying to make a max ammo reward that's given to players after completing every round. This is what I have so far but it does nothing.#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility; #include maps/mp/_utility; #include maps/_utility; #include common_scripts/utility; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_spawner; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_message; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_util; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_powerups; #include scripts/zm/remix/_powerups; init() { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for (;;) { level waittill("connected", player); // when a player connects, they will thread this. player thread maxAmmo_setup(); } } maxAmmo_setup() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); self endon("end_game"); wait 5; for (;;) { level waittill("round_start"); self thread maxAmmoEveryRound(); } } maxAmmoEveryRound() { if (level.round_number >= 1) { //foreach (player in level.players) //{ level thread full_ammo_powerup_override(); // Change to max_ammo_powerup player thread full_ammo_powerup_override(); // Change to max_ammo //} } }
It compiles and loads fine but doesn't give any max ammo. Any help would be appreciated.
How can I create an array within a GSC script? I keep getting syntax errors.self.MileStoneRound_1 = 5; // First Milestone Round (default round 5)
self.MileStoneRound_2 = 10; // Second Milestone Round (default round 10)
self.MileStoneRound_3 = 15; // Third Milestone Round (default round 15)
self.MileStoneRound_4 = 20; // Fourth Milestone Round (default round 20)
self.MileStoneRound_5 = 25; // Fifth Milestone ROund (default round 25)
self.MileStoneRound_6 = 30; // Sixth Milestone Round (default round 30)
self.MileStoneRound_7 = 35; // Seventh Milestone Round (default round 35)
self.MileStoneRound_8 = 40; // Eighth Milestone Round (default round 40)I want to create an array that contains integers between 1 and 255 representing rounds.
array<int> myArrayMilestoneRound0 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9];
self.MileStoneRound_0 = myArrayMilestoneRound0[0];I know this will only cast the first element of the array to the variable ill add a for loop later that cycles through the array but I cant figure out what's wrong with the array syntax to begin with.
Is it possible to unload mods mid zombies game/match?Resxt Sorry, I meant the plugin t6-gsc-utils.dll not gsc6.dll
Resxt Thank you for your insight.
There was a bug that occurs on my .afk script that would leave other players who joined in that mode even when they weren't supposed to be. It didn't happen until we were on round 20 something. I didn't want to have to do a map_restart to reload all the other scripts.
So for scenarios like this, it would be nice if we could load/unload certain problematic scripts without having to restart the whole match.
I know a bit of GSC scripting but not much. I'm very much a noob when it comes to coding. Still in my first year of Computer Science.
Is it possible to unload mods mid zombies game/match?Private server with IW4M admin and gsc6.dll
What could be the possible cause for this script error mid game? Zombies Tranzit.Yeah, I have quite a bit of mods running, it's a dedicated/personal transit server. But how would I pinpoint which mod/script is causing the crash? Sorry I'm still learning how this all works. It usually happens when I use my afk script or my chat bank script. But they're awesome tools and I know how to code C++ but not sure where I could find more information on what exactly is causing the crash. Maybe a log file? Thank you for your response btw.
What could be the possible cause for this script error mid game? Zombies Tranzit.Error: Script Runtime Error
maps/mp/zombies/_zm.gsc: exc eeded maximum number of child server script variables! -
Anyone else having this issueKingPrevail Plutonium Staff hasn't said anything about treyarch. It's just some random user who mentioned this. I don't think treyarch would care too much with this small of a community, plus plutonium is amazing. I think probably plutonium main server for authenticating credentials went offline or some kind of technical error is occuring with the latest update. It's midnight EST so maybe they're fixing something or they're asleep.
Anyone else having this issueYeah I was working on my server I think Plutonium is down bad although server status page says everything is all good. PLUTONIUM TEAM PLZZZZ FIX!