Kalitos Thanks again! we'll look into it we're not very familiar with everything so might take a while haha but thanks for the fast reply's!
![FakerHisSon95 FakerHisSon95](/assets/uploads/system/avatar-default.png)
Commands Bo2 (T6) -
Commands Bo2 (T6)Kalitos Thank you sir, will try it out now. Also are the .afk and .rankup etc munually written or?
Commands Bo2 (T6)Hi Everyone, i'd like to know how to add commands in your own server. We have a server online for a few irl friends but we somehow cant find how to add commands.
The commands im talking about are the commands we find in the bigger servers online such as
.D (Amount) to deposit money to bank
.W (amount) to withraw money from bank
.Afk to be afk for 15minutes or something ( Very nice if you're going through high rounds and someone needs to eat or w/e )If anyone knows how to add those please let us know.
Thanks in advance,