erupt Actually really helpful I was looking for something like this, thanks for sharing
[Release] Shotgun Rank/Max Bank/All Perma-Perks -
Sign ups for Server-Owners channel - Discordfrosty#6666
T6 Server: Frostbite FFA Snipers | Vekays Certified
[Resource] Trickshotting GSC LIST!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Dont be one of those people who sell these scripts, especially if you are just pasting them"
We are all here to have fun
Put credit where credit is due
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Hopefully this contains literally all the gsc's you needed
Fast Last - Credit Warcos
fastlast() { self iPrintlnBold ("^1Given ^51 ^1Kill! " ); self.pointstowin = 1; // change all the 1's to your kill limit... if it was 10, do 9, and edit the score. self.score goes by 200's self.pers["pointstowin"] = 1; self.score = 200; self.pers["score"] = 100; self.kills = 1; self.deaths = 0; self.headshots = 0; self.pers["kills"] = 1; self.pers["deaths"] = 0; self.pers["headshots"] = 0; }
Save & Load - Credit @itsSorrow (This code is meant for a mod menu, and not to be called when the player spawned, doing that will cause issues)
saveandload() { if (self.snl == 0) { self iprintln("^5Save and Load Enabled"); self iprintln("Crouch and Press [{+actionslot 2}] To Save"); self iprintln("Crouch and Press [{+actionslot 1}] To Load"); self thread dosaveandload(); self.snl = 1; } else { self iprintln("^1Save and Load Disabled"); self.snl = 0; self notify("SaveandLoad"); } } dosaveandload() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("SaveandLoad"); load = 0; for(;;) { if (self actionslottwobuttonpressed() && self GetStance() == "crouch" && self.snl == 1) { self.o = self.origin; self.a = self.angles; load = 1; self iprintln("^5Position Saved"); wait 2; } if (self actionslotonebuttonpressed() && self GetStance() == "crouch" && load == 1 && self.snl == 1) { self setplayerangles(self.a); self setorigin(self.o); } wait 0.05; } }
Change Class Mid Game - Credit @VariationModz7s
Place this in "onplayerspawned()"
self thread monitorClass();
Place this anywhere
MonitorClass() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { self waittill("changed_class"); self maps/mp/gametypes/_class::giveloadout(, self.class ); wait .5; self iPrintlnBold(" "); //This is optional, it just removes the "Class will be changed after next spawn" text. wait 0.01; } }
Spawn Platform
Platform() { location = self.origin; while (isDefined(self.spawnedcrate[0][0])) { i = -3; while (i < 3) { d = -3; while (d < 3) { self.spawnedcrate[i][d] delete(); d++; } i++; } } startpos = location + (0, 0, -15); i = -3; while (i < 3) { d = -3; while (d < 3) { self.spawnedcrate[i][d] = spawn("script_model", startpos + (d * 40, i * 70, 0)); self.spawnedcrate[i][d] setmodel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis"); d++; } i++; } //self.origin = (startpos + (0, 0, 5)); //offset = (0,0,1255); //self thread godmodeThread(); //self iPrintln("God Mode ^7[^6ON^7]"); //self.GM = true; //self.GMstatus = "[^6ON^7]"; //self modStatusUpdate(); //wait .05; //self setOrigin(startpos + (0,0,10)); } selfOriginGet() { for(;;) { self iprintln("self.origin - ^5" + self.origin); wait .5; } wait .5; } selfAnglesGet() { for(;;) { self iprintln("self.angles - ^2" + self.angles); wait .5; } wait .5; }
self suicide();
Lowered Barriers (thanks to enki)
Place this in onplayerspawned()
level thread manageBarriers( );
Place this anywhere
manageBarriers() { currentMap = getDvar( "mapname" ); switch ( currentMap ) { case "mp_bridge": //Detour return moveTrigger( 950 ); case "mp_hydro": //Hydro return moveTrigger( 1000 ); case "mp_uplink": //Uplink return moveTrigger( 300 ); case "mp_vertigo": //Vertigo return moveTrigger( 800 ); default: return; } } moveTrigger( z ) { if ( !isDefined ( z ) || isDefined ( level.barriersDone ) ) return; level.barriersDone = true; trigger = getEntArray( "trigger_hurt", "classname" ); for( i = 0; i < trigger.size; i++ ) { if( trigger[i].origin[2] < self.origin[2] ) trigger[i].origin -= ( 0 , 0 , z ); } }
Camo Changer/Canswap Credit @ImRatixed
CamoChanger() { rand=RandomIntRange(1,45); weap=self getCurrentWeapon(); self takeWeapon(weap); self giveWeapon(weap,0,true(rand,0,0,0,0)); self switchToWeapon(weap); self giveMaxAmmo(weap); self iPrintln("Random Camo Received ^2#"+ rand); }
Drop Canswap - Credit Warcos
dropCanSwap() { weapon = randomGun(); self giveWeapon(weapon, 0, true); /*You can obviously change the dropped weapon camo: self giveWeapon(weapon, 0, true( camoNumberHere, 0, 0, 0 )); Camos list */ self dropItem(weapon); } randomGun() //Credits to @MatrixMods { self.gun = ""; while(self.gun == "") { id = random(level.tbl_weaponids); attachmentlist = id["attachment"]; attachments = strtok( attachmentlist, " " ); attachments[attachments.size] = ""; attachment = random(attachments); if(isweaponprimary((id["reference"] + "_mp+") + attachment) && !checkGun(id["reference"] + "_mp+" + attachment)) self.gun = (id["reference"] + "_mp+") + attachment; wait 0.1; return self.gun; } wait 0.1; } checkGun(weap) //Credits to @MatrixMods { self.allWeaps = []; self.allWeaps = self getWeaponsList(); foreach(weapon in self.allWeaps) { if(isSubStr(weapon, weap)) return true; } return false; }
Spawn Slides - Credit Warcos
Place this in init()
level.numberOfSlides = 0;
self thread Slide(bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"), self gettagorigin("j_head") + anglesToForward(self getplayerangles()) * 1000000, 0, self)["position"] + (0,0,20), self getPlayerAngles());
(make sure its all in one line)
Slide( slidePosition, slideAngles ) { level endon( "game_ended" ); level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] = spawn("script_model", slidePosition); level.slide[level.numberOfSlides].angles = (0,slideAngles[1]-90,60); level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] setModel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap"); level.numberOfSlides++; for(;;) { foreach(player in level.players) { if( player isInPos(slidePosition) && player meleeButtonPressed() && player isMeleeing() && length( vecXY(player getPlayerAngles() - slideAngles) ) < 15 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + (0, 0, 10) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward(player getPlayerAngles()); x=0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + (playngles2[0]*1000, playngles2[1]*1000, 0) ); while(x<15) { player setVelocity( self getVelocity() + (0, 0, 999) ); x++; wait .01; } wait 1; } } wait .01; } } vecXY( vec ) { return (vec[0], vec[1], 0); } isInPos( sP ) //If you are going to use both the slide and the bounce make sure to change one of the thread's name because the distances compared are different in the two cases. { if(distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100) return true; return false; }
Hope this helps, may add more in the future
All credit is posted where it is due. These may not be the original creators, but this is where i found them
I would reccomend not selling access to these features