[Resource] Trickshotting GSC LIST!
Dont be one of those people who sell these scripts, especially if you are just pasting them"
We are all here to have fun
Put credit where credit is due
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Hopefully this contains literally all the gsc's you needed
Fast Last - Credit Warcos
fastlast() { self iPrintlnBold ("^1Given ^51 ^1Kill! " ); self.pointstowin = 1; // change all the 1's to your kill limit... if it was 10, do 9, and edit the score. self.score goes by 200's self.pers["pointstowin"] = 1; self.score = 200; self.pers["score"] = 100; self.kills = 1; self.deaths = 0; self.headshots = 0; self.pers["kills"] = 1; self.pers["deaths"] = 0; self.pers["headshots"] = 0; }
Save & Load - Credit @itsSorrow (This code is meant for a mod menu, and not to be called when the player spawned, doing that will cause issues)
saveandload() { if (self.snl == 0) { self iprintln("^5Save and Load Enabled"); self iprintln("Crouch and Press [{+actionslot 2}] To Save"); self iprintln("Crouch and Press [{+actionslot 1}] To Load"); self thread dosaveandload(); self.snl = 1; } else { self iprintln("^1Save and Load Disabled"); self.snl = 0; self notify("SaveandLoad"); } } dosaveandload() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("SaveandLoad"); load = 0; for(;;) { if (self actionslottwobuttonpressed() && self GetStance() == "crouch" && self.snl == 1) { self.o = self.origin; self.a = self.angles; load = 1; self iprintln("^5Position Saved"); wait 2; } if (self actionslotonebuttonpressed() && self GetStance() == "crouch" && load == 1 && self.snl == 1) { self setplayerangles(self.a); self setorigin(self.o); } wait 0.05; } }
Change Class Mid Game - Credit @VariationModz7s
Place this in "onplayerspawned()"
self thread monitorClass();
Place this anywhere
MonitorClass() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { self waittill("changed_class"); self maps/mp/gametypes/_class::giveloadout( self.team, self.class ); wait .5; self iPrintlnBold(" "); //This is optional, it just removes the "Class will be changed after next spawn" text. wait 0.01; } }
Spawn Platform
Platform() { location = self.origin; while (isDefined(self.spawnedcrate[0][0])) { i = -3; while (i < 3) { d = -3; while (d < 3) { self.spawnedcrate[i][d] delete(); d++; } i++; } } startpos = location + (0, 0, -15); i = -3; while (i < 3) { d = -3; while (d < 3) { self.spawnedcrate[i][d] = spawn("script_model", startpos + (d * 40, i * 70, 0)); self.spawnedcrate[i][d] setmodel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis"); d++; } i++; } //self.origin = (startpos + (0, 0, 5)); //offset = (0,0,1255); //self thread godmodeThread(); //self iPrintln("God Mode ^7[^6ON^7]"); //self.GM = true; //self.GMstatus = "[^6ON^7]"; //self modStatusUpdate(); //wait .05; //self setOrigin(startpos + (0,0,10)); } selfOriginGet() { for(;;) { self iprintln("self.origin - ^5" + self.origin); wait .5; } wait .5; } selfAnglesGet() { for(;;) { self iprintln("self.angles - ^2" + self.angles); wait .5; } wait .5; }
self suicide();
Lowered Barriers (thanks to enki)
Place this in onplayerspawned()
level thread manageBarriers( );
Place this anywhere
manageBarriers() { currentMap = getDvar( "mapname" ); switch ( currentMap ) { case "mp_bridge": //Detour return moveTrigger( 950 ); case "mp_hydro": //Hydro return moveTrigger( 1000 ); case "mp_uplink": //Uplink return moveTrigger( 300 ); case "mp_vertigo": //Vertigo return moveTrigger( 800 ); default: return; } } moveTrigger( z ) { if ( !isDefined ( z ) || isDefined ( level.barriersDone ) ) return; level.barriersDone = true; trigger = getEntArray( "trigger_hurt", "classname" ); for( i = 0; i < trigger.size; i++ ) { if( trigger[i].origin[2] < self.origin[2] ) trigger[i].origin -= ( 0 , 0 , z ); } }
Camo Changer/Canswap Credit @ImRatixed
CamoChanger() { rand=RandomIntRange(1,45); weap=self getCurrentWeapon(); self takeWeapon(weap); self giveWeapon(weap,0,true(rand,0,0,0,0)); self switchToWeapon(weap); self giveMaxAmmo(weap); self iPrintln("Random Camo Received ^2#"+ rand); }
Drop Canswap - Credit Warcos
dropCanSwap() { weapon = randomGun(); self giveWeapon(weapon, 0, true); /*You can obviously change the dropped weapon camo: self giveWeapon(weapon, 0, true( camoNumberHere, 0, 0, 0 )); Camos list */ self dropItem(weapon); } randomGun() //Credits to @MatrixMods { self.gun = ""; while(self.gun == "") { id = random(level.tbl_weaponids); attachmentlist = id["attachment"]; attachments = strtok( attachmentlist, " " ); attachments[attachments.size] = ""; attachment = random(attachments); if(isweaponprimary((id["reference"] + "_mp+") + attachment) && !checkGun(id["reference"] + "_mp+" + attachment)) self.gun = (id["reference"] + "_mp+") + attachment; wait 0.1; return self.gun; } wait 0.1; } checkGun(weap) //Credits to @MatrixMods { self.allWeaps = []; self.allWeaps = self getWeaponsList(); foreach(weapon in self.allWeaps) { if(isSubStr(weapon, weap)) return true; } return false; }
Spawn Slides - Credit Warcos
Place this in init()
level.numberOfSlides = 0;
self thread Slide(bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"), self gettagorigin("j_head") + anglesToForward(self getplayerangles()) * 1000000, 0, self)["position"] + (0,0,20), self getPlayerAngles());
(make sure its all in one line)
Slide( slidePosition, slideAngles ) { level endon( "game_ended" ); level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] = spawn("script_model", slidePosition); level.slide[level.numberOfSlides].angles = (0,slideAngles[1]-90,60); level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] setModel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap"); level.numberOfSlides++; for(;;) { foreach(player in level.players) { if( player isInPos(slidePosition) && player meleeButtonPressed() && player isMeleeing() && length( vecXY(player getPlayerAngles() - slideAngles) ) < 15 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + (0, 0, 10) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward(player getPlayerAngles()); x=0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + (playngles2[0]*1000, playngles2[1]*1000, 0) ); while(x<15) { player setVelocity( self getVelocity() + (0, 0, 999) ); x++; wait .01; } wait 1; } } wait .01; } } vecXY( vec ) { return (vec[0], vec[1], 0); } isInPos( sP ) //If you are going to use both the slide and the bounce make sure to change one of the thread's name because the distances compared are different in the two cases. { if(distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100) return true; return false; }
Hope this helps, may add more in the future
All credit is posted where it is due. These may not be the original creators, but this is where i found them
I would reccomend not selling access to these features
frosty#9999 -
frosty None of these at all have credits apart from the 2 functions in one of them. Please credit the creator of the code, even if it is not from Plutonium forums.
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frosty the barrier code needs to be called on onPlayerSpawned and with self thread
Do you have a working change map script?
frosty Just came from another post where the "Save & Load" scripts caused issues, and from reading your snippet, it has some issues that makes them unusable.
Here's another script I just quickly came up with. Please make sure your script snippets are tested before posting (and if they already are, test them separated from each other).
Note : I kept the
stuff purely because it can have some purpose (for VIP functions for example) but it's not mandatory.
Step 1 :
Put this in onPlayerConnect() :player.snl = true;
Put this in onPlayerSpawned() :self.snl = true;
Step 2 :
Put this in onPlayerSpawned() :self thread doSaveAndLoad();
Step 3 :
Put this anywhere in your file :doSaveAndLoad() { self endon("death"); self endon("disconnect"); if( self.snl == true ) { self iPrintLn("Crouch and press [{+actionslot 2}] to save"); self iPrintLn("Crouch and press [{+actionslot 1}] to load"); } for(;;) { if (self actionSlotTwoButtonPressed() && self getStance() == "crouch" && self.snl == true) { self.savedOrigin = self.origin; self.savedAngles = self.angles; self iPrintLn("Position saved"); } if (self actionSlotOneButtonPressed() && self getStance() == "crouch" && self.snl == true) { self setOrigin(self.savedOrigin); self setPlayerAngles(self.savedAngles); self iPrintLn("Position loaded"); } wait 0.1; } }
Sass Thanks for posting this. It was tested, but the script is made more for mod menus than being called when the player spawned, hence the reason why there is a toggle for on/off
The slides wont launch me at all. like maybe 10 ft
what is the calling for the platforms?
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Better Slides
slideBind() //SLIDES
self endon("disconnect");
if(self getStance() == "crouch" && self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self.slidecount > 0)
self thread Slide(bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"), self gettagorigin("j_head") + anglesToForward(self getplayerangles()) * 1000000, 0, self)["position"] + (0,0,20), self getPlayerAngles());
self iprintln("^6Slide Placed!");
self iprintln("^6Knife the carepackage to get launched!");
self.slidecount -= 1;
self iprintln("You have ^6"+self.slidecount+"^7 slides left");
wait .2;
wait .01;
wait .2;
}Slide( slidePosition, slideAngles ) //SLIDES
level endon( "game_ended" );
level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] = spawn("script_model", slidePosition);
level.slide[level.numberOfSlides].angles = (0,slideAngles[1]-90,60);
level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] setModel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap");
foreach(player in level.players) { if( player isInPos(slidePosition) && player meleeButtonPressed() && player isMeleeing() && length( vecXY(player getPlayerAngles() - slideAngles) ) < 35 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + (0, 0, 20) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward(player getPlayerAngles()); x=0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + (playngles2[0]*1000, playngles2[1]*1000, 0) ); while(x<15) { player setVelocity( self getVelocity() + (0, 0, 999) ); x++; wait .01; } wait 1; } }
wait .01;
}vecXY( vec ) //SLIDES
return (vec[0], vec[1], 0);
isInPos( sP ) //SLIDES
if(distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100)
return true;
return false;
} -
frosty The lowered barriers script just causes me instant suicides on Vertigo
Vulgar Go on google and look for a script to remove sky barriers should work after that
Better Change Class Function... Sometimes the original code needs a couple tries to work... i fixed this with some tinkering.
ChangeClassPlus() { self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::beginclasschoice(); self waittill("menuresponse",menu,className); wait .1; self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::setClass(self.pers["class"]); self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::giveLoadout(self.pers["team"],self.pers["class"]); wait .1; }
Good working billcam function... pretty sure this was Loz's code. It's been a while.
callBillcam() { if(self.billcamComing == 0) { self.billcamComing = 1; self iPrintln("Billcam called by: ^3" + self.name); level.billcamComing = true; wait 2; Plane = safeSpawnScriptModel( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak", ( 100, 0, 600 ) );//100, 0, 500 Plane setModel( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak" ); Plane.angles = ( 0, 180, 0 ); Plane MoveTo( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 100 ), 7 ); wait 7; self thread monitorBillcam( self, Plane ); } else { self iPrintlnbold("^3SS Bilcam is ^1already Spawned"); } } monitorBillcam( owner, planee ) { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "endBillcam" ); self endon( "game_ended" ); player = owner; plane = planee; height = 110; radius = 160; setDvar( "cg_thirdPersonRange", "800" ); player.InPlane = false; for (;;) { if ( !player.InPlane ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, plane.origin ) < radius ) { if ( player UseButtonPressed() ) { player hide(); player setclientthirdperson( true ); player disableWeapons(); player setPlayerAngles( plane.angles + ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); player Playerlinkto( plane ); player.InPlane = true; } } } else if ( player.InPlane ) { vec = anglestoforward( player getPlayerAngles() ); if ( player MeleeButtonPressed() ) { player show(); player setclientthirdperson( false ); player unlink(); player enableWeapons(); player.InPlane = false; plane delete(); //player thread savePosition(); safeSpawnFX( level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ], player.origin ); buildPlatform( player.origin, player ); player notify( "endBillcam" ); wait 0.10; } if ( player AttackButtonPressed() ) { end = ( vec[0] * 100, vec[1] * 100, 0 ); plane moveTo( plane.origin + end, .2 ); } if ( player FragButtonPressed() ) { height ++; plane moveTo( plane.origin + ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } if ( player SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed() ) { height --; plane moveTo( plane.origin - ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } } else { } wait 0.05; } wait 0.05; } buildPlatform( location, player ) { location = self.origin; x = location[ 0 ]; y = location[ 1 ]; z = location[ 2 ]; ang = ( 0, 0, 0 ); ang1 = ( 0, 60, 0 ); ang2 = ( -40, 0, 0 ); ang3 = ( 90, 35, 0 ); ang4 = ( 0, 35, 0 ); slide_location = ( x + 541, y + 168, z + 210 ); slide2_location = ( x + 541, y - 414, z + 210 ); bounce_location = ( x + 840, y + 168, z + 100 ); bounce2_location = ( x + 840, y - 414, z + 100 ); platform_location = ( x - 120, y - 410, z ); platform2_location = ( x + 238, y - 410, z + 175 ); m27_location = ( x - 119, y + 155, z + 50 ); dsr_location = ( x + 234, y + 152, z + 50 ); peace_location = ( x + 240, y - 418, z + 50 ); ladder_location = ( x + 35, y - 410, z + 15 ); riotShield_location = ( x + 238, y + 155, z + 230 ); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform2_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } la = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { self spaawnFirst_Crate( ladder_location + ( i * 30, 0, la ), ang2 ); la += 25; } spawnSlide( slide_location ); wait 0.05; spawnSlide( slide2_location ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce2_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "dsr50_mp+steadyaim", dsr_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+sf", peace_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "hk416_mp+dualoptic", m27_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "riotshield_mp", riotShield_location, ang3 ); wait 0.05; } spawnWeapon( weapon, start, Angles ) { weapon_model = getWeaponModel( Weapon ); if ( weapon_model == "" ) weapon_model = Weapon; if ( weapon_model == "minigun_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "minigun_mp"; if ( weapon_model == "m32_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "m32_mp"; spawnEntity( weapon_model, start, Angles ); level thread spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ); } spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ) { level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, start ) < 60 ) { if ( player usebuttonpressed() ) { safeSpawnFX( level._effect[ "prox_grenade_player_shock" ], start ); //self playsound( "dst_tac_insert_break" ); player giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ); wait .50; } } } wait 0.05; } } giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ) { randomCamo = RandomIntRange( 0 , 44 ); player TakeWeapon( player.currentWeapon ); player GiveWeapon( weapon, 0, true( randomCamo, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); player SwitchToWeapon( weapon ); wait 0.50; } spawnBounce( bounceOrigin, angless ) { spaawnFirst_Crate( bounceOrigin, angless ); level thread doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ); } doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, bounceOrigin ) < 75 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 20 ) ); b = 0; while( b < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 850 ) ); b++; wait 0.01; } wait 0.02; } } wait 0.01; } } spawnSlide( slideOrigin ) { spawnSecond_Crate( slideOrigin ); level thread doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ); } doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); playngles = self getPlayerAngles(); playnglesV = anglesToForward( playngles ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( player isInPos( slideOrigin ) && player meleeButtonPressed() ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 15 ) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward( player getPlayerAngles() ); s = 0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( playngles2[0] * 1000, playngles2[1] * 1000, 0 ) ); while( s < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 999 ) ); s++; wait 0.01; } wait 1; } } wait 0.05; } } isInPos( sP ) { if ( distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100 ) return true; else return false; } spawnEntity( model, origin, angle ) { entity_crate = safeSpawnScriptModel( model, origin ); entity_crate.angles = angle; entity_crate setModel( model ); return entity_crate; } spaawnFirst_Crate( originn, angless ) { crateNum_One = safeSpawnScriptModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap", originn ); crateNum_One.angles = angless; crateNum_One setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_One; } spawnSecond_Crate( originnn ) { crateNum_Two = safeSpawnScriptModel( "script_model", originnn ); crateNum_Two.angles = ( 0, -90, 55 ); crateNum_Two setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_Two; }
Change Team Instantly... No dying, No BS. Instantly change teams.
ChangeTeamMe() { self endon("disconnect"); self.ChangeTeam = BO(self.ChangeTeam); self iPrintln(BR(self.ChangeTeam, "Changed Team To ^6Allies", "Changed Team To ^5Axis")); if (self.ChangeTeam) { if (self.pers["team"] == "allies") self changeteam("axis"); } else { if (self.pers["team"] == "axis") self changeteam("allies"); } } ChangeTeam(team) { if (self.sessionstate == "dead") { self.switching_teams = 1; self.joining_team = team; self.leaving_team = self.pers["team"]; } self.pers["team"] = team; self.team = team; self.sessionteam = self.pers["team"]; if (!level.teambased) { self.team = team; } self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::updateobjectivetext(); self maps/mp/gametypes/_spectating::setspectatepermissions(); self notify("end_respawn"); }
Give TS Class... Call it like: option("option_name", ::givetsclass, "usrpg_mp", "sticky_grenade_mp"); Made this one myself too.
Random camos, full ammo, and whatnot.givetsclass(weapon, nade) { self takeallweapons(); rand = randomIntRange(1,44); GiveWeapAndAmmo( nade ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( "proximity_grenade_aoe_mp" ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( "knife_mp", 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( "dsr50_mp+fmj+steadyaim+dualclip", 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( weapon, 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); self iprintln( weapon + " ^4Class ^2Received!" ); } GiveWeapAndAmmo(weapon) { rand = randomIntRange(1,44); self giveweapon( weapon, 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); self givemaxammo(weapon); }
Better Camo Method... Camo Method changes the way you receive the camo. Camo Change changes it according to your method selected.
CamoChange(camo) { if(!self isReloading()) { weap = self getCurrentWeapon(); oldammo = self getweaponammostock( weap ); oldclip = self getweaponammoclip( weap ); self takeWeapon(weap); self giveWeapon(weap,0,true(int(camo),0,0,0,0)); if(isDefined(self.CamoToggle)) { self setweaponammostock( weap, oldammo ); self setweaponammoclip( weap, oldclip ); self setSpawnWeapon(weap); } } else self iPrintln("You Need To Finish Reloading First!"); } CamoMethod() { if(!isDefined(self.CamoToggle)) { self.CamoToggle = true; self iPrintln("Camo Method: Same Weapon"); } else { self.CamoToggle = undefined; self iPrintln("Camo Method: New Weapon"); } }
Have fun y'all. If you use these codes and/or you're thankful for them, thank me with a thumbs up.
Deicide This is cool. Thank you for the contribution. However, the Change Class+ function you gave, that would have to be called from a menu or a bind. The change class function in this trickshotting list is so that whenever you change class, without a bind or function calling it, just in general, then it executes that code. Either way, your functions are still cool
mikzy I see what you mean! My bad, i edited it to where it doesn't have this problem anymore. Also, i added a thread to simply wait when you change your class. First try, no BS.
Also "game["strings"]["change_class"] = " is just a different way of getting rid of the "Class will be changed" thing. Certainly not needed as the iPrintlnbold method works fine too.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected",player); game["strings"]["change_class"] = ""; //gets rid of ""Class will be changed after next spawn" player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self.isFirstSpawn = true; for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(self.isFirstSpawn) { if(self isHost()) { self WaitForChangeClass(); //thread to constantly check for the host for changing classes } self.isFirstSpawn = false; } } } ChangeClassPlus() { self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::setClass(self.pers["class"]); self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::giveLoadout(self.pers["team"],self.pers["class"]); } WaitForChangeClass() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { if(isDefined(self) && self.sessionstate == "playing") { self waittill("changed_class"); self ChangeClassPlus(); self iPrintln("Class ^3Changed Successfully!^7"); } } }
This looks better and performs well. Thanks for the contribution!