[Resource] Trickshotting GSC LIST!
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frosty the barrier code needs to be called on onPlayerSpawned and with self thread
Do you have a working change map script?
frosty Just came from another post where the "Save & Load" scripts caused issues, and from reading your snippet, it has some issues that makes them unusable.
Here's another script I just quickly came up with. Please make sure your script snippets are tested before posting (and if they already are, test them separated from each other).
Note : I kept the
stuff purely because it can have some purpose (for VIP functions for example) but it's not mandatory.
Step 1 :
Put this in onPlayerConnect() :player.snl = true;
Put this in onPlayerSpawned() :self.snl = true;
Step 2 :
Put this in onPlayerSpawned() :self thread doSaveAndLoad();
Step 3 :
Put this anywhere in your file :doSaveAndLoad() { self endon("death"); self endon("disconnect"); if( self.snl == true ) { self iPrintLn("Crouch and press [{+actionslot 2}] to save"); self iPrintLn("Crouch and press [{+actionslot 1}] to load"); } for(;;) { if (self actionSlotTwoButtonPressed() && self getStance() == "crouch" && self.snl == true) { self.savedOrigin = self.origin; self.savedAngles = self.angles; self iPrintLn("Position saved"); } if (self actionSlotOneButtonPressed() && self getStance() == "crouch" && self.snl == true) { self setOrigin(self.savedOrigin); self setPlayerAngles(self.savedAngles); self iPrintLn("Position loaded"); } wait 0.1; } }
Sass Thanks for posting this. It was tested, but the script is made more for mod menus than being called when the player spawned, hence the reason why there is a toggle for on/off
The slides wont launch me at all. like maybe 10 ft
what is the calling for the platforms?
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Better Slides
slideBind() //SLIDES
self endon("disconnect");
if(self getStance() == "crouch" && self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self.slidecount > 0)
self thread Slide(bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"), self gettagorigin("j_head") + anglesToForward(self getplayerangles()) * 1000000, 0, self)["position"] + (0,0,20), self getPlayerAngles());
self iprintln("^6Slide Placed!");
self iprintln("^6Knife the carepackage to get launched!");
self.slidecount -= 1;
self iprintln("You have ^6"+self.slidecount+"^7 slides left");
wait .2;
wait .01;
wait .2;
}Slide( slidePosition, slideAngles ) //SLIDES
level endon( "game_ended" );
level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] = spawn("script_model", slidePosition);
level.slide[level.numberOfSlides].angles = (0,slideAngles[1]-90,60);
level.slide[level.numberOfSlides] setModel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap");
foreach(player in level.players) { if( player isInPos(slidePosition) && player meleeButtonPressed() && player isMeleeing() && length( vecXY(player getPlayerAngles() - slideAngles) ) < 35 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + (0, 0, 20) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward(player getPlayerAngles()); x=0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + (playngles2[0]*1000, playngles2[1]*1000, 0) ); while(x<15) { player setVelocity( self getVelocity() + (0, 0, 999) ); x++; wait .01; } wait 1; } }
wait .01;
}vecXY( vec ) //SLIDES
return (vec[0], vec[1], 0);
isInPos( sP ) //SLIDES
if(distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100)
return true;
return false;
} -
frosty The lowered barriers script just causes me instant suicides on Vertigo
Vulgar Go on google and look for a script to remove sky barriers should work after that
Better Change Class Function... Sometimes the original code needs a couple tries to work... i fixed this with some tinkering.
ChangeClassPlus() { self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::beginclasschoice(); self waittill("menuresponse",menu,className); wait .1; self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::setClass(self.pers["class"]); self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::giveLoadout(self.pers["team"],self.pers["class"]); wait .1; }
Good working billcam function... pretty sure this was Loz's code. It's been a while.
callBillcam() { if(self.billcamComing == 0) { self.billcamComing = 1; self iPrintln("Billcam called by: ^3" + self.name); level.billcamComing = true; wait 2; Plane = safeSpawnScriptModel( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak", ( 100, 0, 600 ) );//100, 0, 500 Plane setModel( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak" ); Plane.angles = ( 0, 180, 0 ); Plane MoveTo( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 100 ), 7 ); wait 7; self thread monitorBillcam( self, Plane ); } else { self iPrintlnbold("^3SS Bilcam is ^1already Spawned"); } } monitorBillcam( owner, planee ) { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "endBillcam" ); self endon( "game_ended" ); player = owner; plane = planee; height = 110; radius = 160; setDvar( "cg_thirdPersonRange", "800" ); player.InPlane = false; for (;;) { if ( !player.InPlane ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, plane.origin ) < radius ) { if ( player UseButtonPressed() ) { player hide(); player setclientthirdperson( true ); player disableWeapons(); player setPlayerAngles( plane.angles + ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); player Playerlinkto( plane ); player.InPlane = true; } } } else if ( player.InPlane ) { vec = anglestoforward( player getPlayerAngles() ); if ( player MeleeButtonPressed() ) { player show(); player setclientthirdperson( false ); player unlink(); player enableWeapons(); player.InPlane = false; plane delete(); //player thread savePosition(); safeSpawnFX( level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ], player.origin ); buildPlatform( player.origin, player ); player notify( "endBillcam" ); wait 0.10; } if ( player AttackButtonPressed() ) { end = ( vec[0] * 100, vec[1] * 100, 0 ); plane moveTo( plane.origin + end, .2 ); } if ( player FragButtonPressed() ) { height ++; plane moveTo( plane.origin + ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } if ( player SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed() ) { height --; plane moveTo( plane.origin - ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } } else { } wait 0.05; } wait 0.05; } buildPlatform( location, player ) { location = self.origin; x = location[ 0 ]; y = location[ 1 ]; z = location[ 2 ]; ang = ( 0, 0, 0 ); ang1 = ( 0, 60, 0 ); ang2 = ( -40, 0, 0 ); ang3 = ( 90, 35, 0 ); ang4 = ( 0, 35, 0 ); slide_location = ( x + 541, y + 168, z + 210 ); slide2_location = ( x + 541, y - 414, z + 210 ); bounce_location = ( x + 840, y + 168, z + 100 ); bounce2_location = ( x + 840, y - 414, z + 100 ); platform_location = ( x - 120, y - 410, z ); platform2_location = ( x + 238, y - 410, z + 175 ); m27_location = ( x - 119, y + 155, z + 50 ); dsr_location = ( x + 234, y + 152, z + 50 ); peace_location = ( x + 240, y - 418, z + 50 ); ladder_location = ( x + 35, y - 410, z + 15 ); riotShield_location = ( x + 238, y + 155, z + 230 ); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform2_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } la = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { self spaawnFirst_Crate( ladder_location + ( i * 30, 0, la ), ang2 ); la += 25; } spawnSlide( slide_location ); wait 0.05; spawnSlide( slide2_location ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce2_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "dsr50_mp+steadyaim", dsr_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+sf", peace_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "hk416_mp+dualoptic", m27_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "riotshield_mp", riotShield_location, ang3 ); wait 0.05; } spawnWeapon( weapon, start, Angles ) { weapon_model = getWeaponModel( Weapon ); if ( weapon_model == "" ) weapon_model = Weapon; if ( weapon_model == "minigun_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "minigun_mp"; if ( weapon_model == "m32_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "m32_mp"; spawnEntity( weapon_model, start, Angles ); level thread spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ); } spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ) { level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, start ) < 60 ) { if ( player usebuttonpressed() ) { safeSpawnFX( level._effect[ "prox_grenade_player_shock" ], start ); //self playsound( "dst_tac_insert_break" ); player giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ); wait .50; } } } wait 0.05; } } giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ) { randomCamo = RandomIntRange( 0 , 44 ); player TakeWeapon( player.currentWeapon ); player GiveWeapon( weapon, 0, true( randomCamo, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); player SwitchToWeapon( weapon ); wait 0.50; } spawnBounce( bounceOrigin, angless ) { spaawnFirst_Crate( bounceOrigin, angless ); level thread doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ); } doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, bounceOrigin ) < 75 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 20 ) ); b = 0; while( b < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 850 ) ); b++; wait 0.01; } wait 0.02; } } wait 0.01; } } spawnSlide( slideOrigin ) { spawnSecond_Crate( slideOrigin ); level thread doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ); } doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); playngles = self getPlayerAngles(); playnglesV = anglesToForward( playngles ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( player isInPos( slideOrigin ) && player meleeButtonPressed() ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 15 ) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward( player getPlayerAngles() ); s = 0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( playngles2[0] * 1000, playngles2[1] * 1000, 0 ) ); while( s < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 999 ) ); s++; wait 0.01; } wait 1; } } wait 0.05; } } isInPos( sP ) { if ( distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100 ) return true; else return false; } spawnEntity( model, origin, angle ) { entity_crate = safeSpawnScriptModel( model, origin ); entity_crate.angles = angle; entity_crate setModel( model ); return entity_crate; } spaawnFirst_Crate( originn, angless ) { crateNum_One = safeSpawnScriptModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap", originn ); crateNum_One.angles = angless; crateNum_One setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_One; } spawnSecond_Crate( originnn ) { crateNum_Two = safeSpawnScriptModel( "script_model", originnn ); crateNum_Two.angles = ( 0, -90, 55 ); crateNum_Two setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_Two; }
Change Team Instantly... No dying, No BS. Instantly change teams.
ChangeTeamMe() { self endon("disconnect"); self.ChangeTeam = BO(self.ChangeTeam); self iPrintln(BR(self.ChangeTeam, "Changed Team To ^6Allies", "Changed Team To ^5Axis")); if (self.ChangeTeam) { if (self.pers["team"] == "allies") self changeteam("axis"); } else { if (self.pers["team"] == "axis") self changeteam("allies"); } } ChangeTeam(team) { if (self.sessionstate == "dead") { self.switching_teams = 1; self.joining_team = team; self.leaving_team = self.pers["team"]; } self.pers["team"] = team; self.team = team; self.sessionteam = self.pers["team"]; if (!level.teambased) { self.team = team; } self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::updateobjectivetext(); self maps/mp/gametypes/_spectating::setspectatepermissions(); self notify("end_respawn"); }
Give TS Class... Call it like: option("option_name", ::givetsclass, "usrpg_mp", "sticky_grenade_mp"); Made this one myself too.
Random camos, full ammo, and whatnot.givetsclass(weapon, nade) { self takeallweapons(); rand = randomIntRange(1,44); GiveWeapAndAmmo( nade ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( "proximity_grenade_aoe_mp" ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( "knife_mp", 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( "dsr50_mp+fmj+steadyaim+dualclip", 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GiveWeapAndAmmo( weapon, 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); self iprintln( weapon + " ^4Class ^2Received!" ); } GiveWeapAndAmmo(weapon) { rand = randomIntRange(1,44); self giveweapon( weapon, 0, rand, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); self givemaxammo(weapon); }
Better Camo Method... Camo Method changes the way you receive the camo. Camo Change changes it according to your method selected.
CamoChange(camo) { if(!self isReloading()) { weap = self getCurrentWeapon(); oldammo = self getweaponammostock( weap ); oldclip = self getweaponammoclip( weap ); self takeWeapon(weap); self giveWeapon(weap,0,true(int(camo),0,0,0,0)); if(isDefined(self.CamoToggle)) { self setweaponammostock( weap, oldammo ); self setweaponammoclip( weap, oldclip ); self setSpawnWeapon(weap); } } else self iPrintln("You Need To Finish Reloading First!"); } CamoMethod() { if(!isDefined(self.CamoToggle)) { self.CamoToggle = true; self iPrintln("Camo Method: Same Weapon"); } else { self.CamoToggle = undefined; self iPrintln("Camo Method: New Weapon"); } }
Have fun y'all. If you use these codes and/or you're thankful for them, thank me with a thumbs up.
Deicide This is cool. Thank you for the contribution. However, the Change Class+ function you gave, that would have to be called from a menu or a bind. The change class function in this trickshotting list is so that whenever you change class, without a bind or function calling it, just in general, then it executes that code. Either way, your functions are still cool
mikzy I see what you mean! My bad, i edited it to where it doesn't have this problem anymore. Also, i added a thread to simply wait when you change your class. First try, no BS.
Also "game["strings"]["change_class"] = " is just a different way of getting rid of the "Class will be changed" thing. Certainly not needed as the iPrintlnbold method works fine too.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected",player); game["strings"]["change_class"] = ""; //gets rid of ""Class will be changed after next spawn" player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self.isFirstSpawn = true; for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(self.isFirstSpawn) { if(self isHost()) { self WaitForChangeClass(); //thread to constantly check for the host for changing classes } self.isFirstSpawn = false; } } } ChangeClassPlus() { self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::setClass(self.pers["class"]); self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::giveLoadout(self.pers["team"],self.pers["class"]); } WaitForChangeClass() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { if(isDefined(self) && self.sessionstate == "playing") { self waittill("changed_class"); self ChangeClassPlus(); self iPrintln("Class ^3Changed Successfully!^7"); } } }
This looks better and performs well. Thanks for the contribution!
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Deicide the billcam dose not work