noticed a few things from watching bo3 origins. The lightning and sky are very different. Everything is really vibrant, maybe there is a limit with that in bo2 but I think if you play around with that it might look even better
[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced Version -
Change starting gun?Xerxes said in Change starting gun?:
really sorry if I wasnt supposed to reply something this old but where can I find this setting to be changed?
Looking for an Origins team to get a PRI'm trying to complete Origins in the fastest time possible in a team of 4. Random teams on random servers never end well, in fact you can't even finish the EE most of the times.
I don't mind playing on custom or open servers, hopefully no mods, I don't mind banks though.
I'm aiming for sub 30 if it's even possible, but worst case probably sub 40 would make me happy. -
[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced Versionit says the comment was posted 27 days ago, I meant a recent one. Because I redownloaded it and I think the version I had before has the same exact size. Do I have the right one then? sorry I'm new to these forums
[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced Versionhey there! your post says new update 22 feb 2023 but there was no update on that day. is there a way to know when this gets updated since the title is wrong? just wondering, love your work so far
Port Forwarding documentationI found the problem, I had to open Nat which wasn't explained in the documentation. Had to grab ipv4 with cmd and put that in the port forward interface. I tried to figure it with other friends and neither succeeded, it was a YouTuber that helped us with that, as our internet provider guide didn't have the right ip either.
Either way now it's working but I'll stand by my original comment that the guide wasn't written properly. -
Port Forwarding documentationXerxes when I join a server it doesnt say my ip anywhere, probably the owner of the server will know it but not my friends. And I can probably trust servers to be professional.
By not knowing my ip I meant I saw a post that said u had to do some command + type IP which I wanted to avoid.
From what I saw if you port forward they can just join and no info is leaked, and if you just join normally same, but this isn't working for either of us. -
Port Forwarding documentationAlready read it a lot of times and it's not clear for me what to do. It also said the number I had to put for the port was in the section of my game (assuming of that article) and it never said anything, just that if there was no luck use 3074.
I did all steps from my ISP/Router site (to port forward) but I think it's not working, the image shown didn't help either because that's not what my interface looks like and names for fields are also different.
Everyone told me it was just adding and that was it but we keep getting errors.
I also spent a few hours going through old posts and the answers are different because the system seems to have changed over the years multiple times.How can I set this without leaking my IP address to friends? once it's set can they just join or do they need to do some console commands?
Question about "use lan or you'll be banned"I've been reading posts to setup a server and been watching vids to get mods on servers (like the ones that already exist) and I keep reading that you need lan mode to not get banned but I dont get it, they are allowed but if you dont set it properly you're banned?
How does it work? I dont want to continue looking into my own server until I understand this.
Does this mean I can't use console commands either? -
[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced VersionLKurama not possible for both things I asked? I don't know how camos work but I don't understand why camos work or exist as pap/multi but not for zombies.
[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced VersionI'm trying it now and it's amazing. Great job! Not sure if you're still working on it but are things like the tab menu something you can change too? I'm not saying it's needed but rather wondering, because BO3 has a different one, and when staff pieces etc appear too the temporary interface is also different.
Edit: I also had a question for a week and maybe you can answer it. I've been trying to get the glowing camos from BO3 for origins but I cant find any anywhere. All the ones here are either PAP only or only work on MP. I think if you click my profile you'll see my last post where I had a pic for the camos I meant. They were used for the first ever sub 20 4 man Origins EE.
Gramophone can't be placedHappened a total of 7 times almost back to back on 4 different server hosts (different websites/discords). I didn't have this issue for the 2 weeks I've been playing, how is this possible? Is there any way around it or what is causing it so we avoid it from now on?
Alguien dispuesto a enseñar los Easter Eggs del BO2?Mejor, yo el de hielo y electro no tengo idea de como hacer. Les agrego a los dos y conseguimos un cuarto?
Trying to find BO3 camos for T6 ZombiesGhostRider0125 hey thanks! I'll try them soon. I'd like to know if these work when not using PAP too? because all the ones I found only work with pap
Alguien dispuesto a enseñar los Easter Eggs del BO2?yo puedo ayudar con el de Origins
Trying to find BO3 camos for T6 ZombiesResxt apologies. I'm new here and never used forums in general. Where should I take this?
Trying to find BO3 camos for T6 ZombiesSaw these the other day and I'd like something similar or same. I like both.
I tried to download camo packs but neither of them worked for zombies and were mostly bad.