now thats BLOODY

ZM - MOTD + blood -
[ZM] Origin PAP Camoits cool but the original looks better maybe mix some colors to match origins feel? that might help
CoD BO1awsome man keep it up no need to rush we all be waiting for your amazing work much love
[MP] glove pack (10)aha ok also is there way to put reload sound of m1911 bo1 on 2
[MP] glove pack (10)Gewehr said in [MP] glove pack (10):
nice gloves man! but what is a waifu? -
[Release] [MP] [ZM] BO1 Gold Camo Packaha G thanks!
[Release] [MP] BO3 "Dark Matter" (Accurate)aha G thanks!
M1911 Camo Packwell i found the mp3 sound of it tho cant you put it some where for it to work
[Release] [MP] BO3 "Dark Matter" (Accurate)damn man nice job looks sick in the video! but where should i put the files tho
M1911 Camo Packsay is there a way to put bo1 m1911 reload sound on bo2?
M1911 Camo PackG man Thanks no body ever ansered me that fast before!
[Release] [MP] [ZM] BO1 Gold Camo Packwhat should i do with base?
M1911 Camo Packhello there where should i put the files to work