Script to start with 150 hp? -
top 250 Warzone camouflage for Bo1 or Bo3 zombie weapons.well thats gonna take a LONG time
Also your image isnt sent correctly -
[Release] [Camo] [ZM] Victis' GoldNice shade of gold for pap camo man but i like it when its a tad bit closer to yellow near orange tint
[ZM ][MOTD] ReskinThey look REALLY GREAT! awesome work man sick camo btw
[ZM] Black Ops II Rezurrected - Map Select IconsNice pack dude really digging the buried one ( get it
) but for Nuketown the old one looks way better and cooler
Does anyone have link to the perk icons, ammo count, and weapon skin?B808 if its a normal camo
you can just download a victis crew pap camo in this forum then rename the pink camo you want into the names of the victis pap camo
if its an animated camo
you gota have the animated patch that would replace buried and origins pap with motd one
then you do the renaming part again but for motd camo this time
[ZM]BO2_Victis Custom PaP Camo Pack_By FolbixAdrX003 Now THAT would be an awesome mod
cuz they're a lot of weapons that are just like that it would really make them shine ( DSR being one of em XD )
[Patch] Shotguns Revamped - Weapon ModHeck yeah! Finally the model being a fun option not a chore to play with
[ZM]BO2_Victis Custom PaP Camo Pack_By FolbixThe third bloody one looks awesome
i think the second one looks good too
But mp5 doesn't do it justice -
[ZM]_Black Ops II Zombies_MOTD Rainbow PaP Camo_By FolbixNeat camo although its hard to notice it while playin especially cuz its not bright enough
[Release] [Camo] [ZM/MP] Chaos Glyphs (Afterlife/MoTD)Cool camo dude love how it differentiate between iron sight and grips and the actual camo
which i think more camos should be like that not just slap a texture and call it a day
Awesome work
[Release] [ZM] loading screen for die riseAs someone who only doesnt play die rise out of all maps this looks fire
πAll Reflective Gold AK Family's with Extra Guns!πIzi selva damn looks like the guy removed or got his acount deleted
Sorry bruh i only have those some in my pack you gotta makem ur self
or make a post in plutonium or commrnt in pluto discord ask if somebody still has it
Anyone know where I can find a black dpad hud mod (iwi file) for black ops 1?idk where i find mine but changes a little more things about the dpad
the only name i remember was hud_dpad_blood.iwi
if you want all of the others its in my pack tho you gotta search in it to find them
Animated Camos V2.0 [ZM]Bruh
[ZM] [Mistery Box] ReskinNice 4k lookin box
πAll Reflective Gold AK Family's with Extra Guns!π -
I feel like everyone is fake now...feeling angryG0LD3N 4RM i sent up votes and reply to you two as the response to being fake & not voting
How can I improve in bo 2 multiplayer?you can watch some YouTube videos about it and learn different play styles and what to choose and not in your class
Bo2 is the most versatile you can be with its pick 10 system
if you ask me i say start with an smg
Especially Peacekeeper its the most versatile weapon very good hipfire and accuracyYou can make it a deadly close to mid weapon with the right attachments
once your good with it try other guns see what fits your way of playing
Feeling sadZeroAura buddy is on somethin
He aint doin it for free