Well, according to this thread, there should be an update soon.
Anyway I also saw this behaviour. Is not affecting many as people do not try "prestige" when they reach the max level.
Very annoying.

Critical lost of multiplayer progress -
Too many closet cheaters (bo2)To be "quite" sure, you have to switch team to "codecaster" and spectate the player for some time. In that way you can see if he has drone to mark your position or other perks that help him. Done that, you can usually report hiom using the command !rep or !report while connected to the server. Admin should take care of your report and do further checks
bannedMr.Bone ahahaha, are you talking about yourself ? I saw you in the server yesterday and I was quite in doubt if you were cheating or not.
Anyway you have to report him while connected to the server, using the command !report or !rep
Cheater secret_777I already reported him (and so other players) but I don't have discord account to connect to RepZ admin. I hope that posting it here could move someone to ban him from servers.
Cheater secret_777Cheater secret_777
He wrote: "I know wallbang" -
Cheater pizzatime6969 on repz servers.pizzatime6969 cheater on repz server.
I told him "good cheat"
He replied me "thanks"
I told him "I'm recording"
He replied me "I'm already in VPN". -
There are some problems with command !reportOn the first one, there is a thread on him. I didn't met him since days, he was really pissed off as I was spectating him every time I saw him.
The second, it's a bot. Check ping value, every bot, don't matter the name, has ping=0
Cheaters, cheaters everywhereI recorded this guy yesterday. It was the funniest cheater ever seen. Shooting on the floor because the cheat told him there was someone in the tunnel. No way to hide the cheat, but also bots were able to kill him because he had no skill. Reporting him is stupid. I already told him he was really obvious he was cheating. He asked me "am I not in lan mode?". https://youtu.be/AVAJU9RulmE
Cheaters, cheaters everywhereRedxSkull Oh you can find many video also in my post in this forum. The problem (and the cheater knows it) is: how can you record a cheater when you see on the killcam that he hit you by a single shot from sniper while blinded by a flashbang ? Records work only when you are a codecaster, but at the same time you don't have killcam so you cannot prove anything. I have many records, but most of the time cheater are out of game simply because they are annoyed and they change game. So recording video and reporting is useless. Not to mention that someone wrote that is the server admin that has to ban. So basically seems useless to post video on forum, seems you have to send the video to each server admin you play in order to get rid of him.
There is also the "psicological trick" to get rid of a cheater. One day I accused one guy of cheating and he told me he was "prefiring". The problem is that he wasn't since then. He started from that point, just to prove that he wasn't cheating. He started really to prefire, he started to shot to air, and played so badly that in a while he become a real noob. Some cheaters are not good player, once a couple of guy accuse them of cheating, they panic, get scared to be banned and leave the game or start to play like shit. -
Cheaters, cheaters everywhereBO2 is full of cheaters. Most play sniper as you cannot identify them by a single shot. You can understand when use flashbang and they don't feel any blindness even if they don't have the skill to reduce damage. there are not only aimbots or wallhack, there are also no recoil, no fog or no flash cheats. I reported a lot of them but it's useless even if you prove by video recording.
Lots of cheaters latelyResxt PunkBuster, at the time I played Urban Terror, was a good AC. Cheater were very few and they were find after some days. I'm wondering why is not used anymore.
Cheater 2kFMT -
Cheats!!!And today I had the chance to drop down the console where the nickname now is visible.
Cheater Scytherr - banned from serverHe was banned from the Admin. Probably there is not enough proof on videos, but the Admin had the chance to follow the game and decided that he was cheating.
Anyway, noprob. -
Cheater Scytherr - banned from serverhttps://forum.plutonium.pw/user/scytherr
He's been banned from the server while I was recording (see second video) due to cheating.
Hacker - NoRecoil & AimbotOh oh oh, I know him.....
Seen many times.
Don't think someone will do something. Just leave the server when you meet him. Or join his team so you will win -
Exposing Cheater GT rohanmassonElectroGames said in Exposing Cheater GT rohanmasson:
I don't see him aiming in and his gun move towards the player like an aimbot would and he could have been using the UAV to know where people are behind walls and just shooting hoping he would hit someone.
IMHO it would make sense if it was a rifle shooting hoping to hit something, but sniper one-shot-one-kill three in a row without aiming seems a lot more than skill and luck. But I understand that cheaters use snipers on purpose, so you cannot have a clear evidence of the cheat.
Anyway simpathyy you have my support, that seems really a cheater.
Cheater arrt-de-rager -
I got a screenshot with the console full screen where the name is readable.
I give again proof:
Cheater mohamed855Cheater mohamed855
after a game in which he obviously cheated, everyone left so it was 1vs1 while I was recording.