Have you tried looking at the Plutonium Console Window that opens alongside the game? If not, please look in it and see if you can see anything that points towards a potential error.

Can't get past main menu in Zombies please help. -
Unable to join servers(Disclaimer : I'm not plutonium staff, I'm just some guy)
This is a very common issue at the very moment and the Plutonium Staff is very much aware of this issue. They are currently working on it! In the meantime, however, please resort to private matches rather than servers. Thank you!
Origins crash on startup?Dss0 yes i do, upon reading this i deleted it and it worked perfectly! thank ou!
Origins crash on startup?When I load up origins on custom games or solo play, it shows the loading screen normally, but instead of putting me in the game, it just throws me back in the lobby without any crash report or anything, i checked the plutonium console that opens alongside bo2 and it doesn't say anything. any ideas on how i can fix this?