I was on round 36 in zombies trying to get the servers record at 52 when the server said POG joined and he started talking shit then it said Mr.Zombinator left the game but it never said he joined. Then POG said the game was over and he ddossed the server until the ping was locked at 999 and everyone died, then i did the report command and it said no user with that name connected.
He said he was using a modded name and he left the game then mr zombinator joined back so i reported him as im pretty sure thats his normal username it never said he joined the first time. im not sure what else to do can i get him banned from the forums so he can no longer connect to any multiplayer servers? im concerned about modded clients because i used to play on a vpn to avoid getting ddosed when i used to play t6 multiplayer so ima be real upset if he can get my ip with a modded client even on a dedicated server. i was playing on an op gold tranzit server and the modders plutonium forum name should be Mr.Zombinator. you guys banned vpns so ima be real upset if some modder can ddos me offline.
The server said they were both from the united kingdom which is part of why i realized they were the same person. so i called him a cunt and said he couldnt even buy knives then i said he had little dick energy and re rage quit lmao, the server has rules against being toxic so i hope i can be exempt in this case i really like this op gold server. so if you can find someone from the uk with the username Mr.Zombinator then plz ban them for being a cunt. Mr.Zombinator tried to say that he was on round 40 when that other guy did the same thing to him but i dont buy it for a minute ive been on that server most of the day and they were the only uk people to join and only one person joined according to the server but there were two names i was talking to. and when one of them would leave the other would join.