same but with black ops 2
launcher is not working -
My bo2 game wont open using plutonium launchermy game doesnt open when i try to use the plutonium launcher but it does open with steam so i wanted to know if annyone could help me to solve this. Also when i try to open the bo2 with the plutonium launcher the cmd file doesnt do annything.
cant join to any zombie game, pls helpi cant join to any zombie game, when its joining to the game it only keeps in "awaiting gamestate"
i need help plsi cant join to any game in black ops 2 zombies, when the game is loading the party it just stay in waiting for gamstate
I cant play, helppls people i need help
I cant play, helpCan someone help me?
I cant play, helpyesterday i tried to uninstall plutonium and install it again but the problem dont go
I cant play, help -
I cant play, helpcrash reference id: 96a43287ca962afb
Problem details has been written to "C:\users\usuario\appdata\local\plutonium\crashdumps\plutonium-r1749-2021-05-03_06-53.dmp".
please report this bug at
(incluide the id and file mentioned above) to help us resolve it. -
I cant play, helpIt says: oops plutonium tan into a problem and must be Closed
I cant play, helpalways when i try to open the game this happens
Crash and cmd errorbut have i to uninstall bo2 or plutonium?