DAN2Y esta muy bien tu pregunta y la apoyo, pero yo en ese momento desconocía al creador de los guantes, entonces como lo iva a mencionar si no lo conocía ?.

- Honeycomb Camo BO2 - -
- Old Autumn Camo -si xd
(release) Colored Ahegao camo (ZM)Esta chido
(release) Colored Ahegao camo (ZM)acabamos de publicar al mismo tiempo
- Old Autumn Camo -I speak Spanish and I wrote all this with Google Translate.
Welcome everyone to this new forum, this is my Third BO2 camo, it is not very good but it is acceptable, if this camo gets a little support in the future I can make better camos.
Download the camouflage here: http://kutmoney.com/lxSBUg
This will replace the DayOfDead camouflage.
Just put the files (.iwi) from the "Old Autumn Camo" folder into your "Plutonium" folder, t6r / data / images. And if you don't have any of those folders, just create them, but make sure the name is the same as described above.
Here are some screenshots of the camouflage. All the captures are in the archive folder:
Everything is made by JulianOfPlay.
Friends I hope you like camouflage and Thank you for your support, and remember that if you want custom camouflage just comment on this comment and put a photo of what you want to camouflage and I will gladly make the camouflage totally free.
Pink Ahegao camo owo (ZM)ok ya voy a aceptar
Pink Ahegao camo owo (ZM)@Alessandra2004 claro que si
Pink Ahegao camo owo (ZM)@Alessandra2004 voy a hacer directo en Twitch en unos minutos, voy a estar jugando BO2 y si quieres me puedes buscar asi : julianofplay
Pink Ahegao camo owo (ZM)@Alessandra2004 por cierto puedes jugar ?
Pink Ahegao camo owo (ZM)No esta mal, esta HERMOSO
- Pink Jungle Camo -Me gusta mucho y me pongo feliz de que te alla encantado. Gracias por todo ese apoyo te quiero.
Amigos espero que les guste el camuflaje y Gracias por apoyar este (mi primer camuflaje), si por casualidad quieren un camuflaje personalizado solo comenten este comentario y pongan una foto de lo que quieren camuflar y con mucho gusto haré el camuflaje totalmente gratis .
Gracias por el apoyo.
- Pink Jungle Camo -I speak Spanish and I wrote all this with Google Translate.
Welcome everyone to this new forum, this is my second BO2 camo, I am improving a bit, if this camo gets a little support in the future, I can make better camos.
Download the camouflage here: http://kutmoney.com/PEdk
This will replace the Bacon camouflage.
Just put the files (.iwi) from the "Pink Jungle Camo" folder into your "Plutonium" folder, t6r / data / images. And if you don't have any of those folders, just create them, but make sure the name is the same as described above.
Here are just a few screenshots of the camouflage. All the captures are in the camouflage folder:
Everything is made by JulianOfPlay.
This camouflage is made thanks to: @ Alessandra2004 -
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -Ok ya lo publico
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -Ok @Alessandra2004 le pondre ese, yo le iva a poner - Pink Jungle Camo - o tu decides si ( Girly Camo o - Pink Jungle Camo - )
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -@Alessandra2004 y piensa en un nombre para ponerle a la skin
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -@Alessandra2004 Voy a probar a ver si da creo que para mañana esta listo o si no hago el de multi.
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -@Alessandra2004 Pero por que camuflaje lo quieres reemplazar ? pero no se como se hacen para el zombies?
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -@Alessandra2004 ok
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -Friends I hope you like the camouflage and Thank you for supporting this (my first camouflage), if by chance you want a custom camouflage just comment on this comment and put a photo of what you want camouflage and I will gladly make the camouflage totally free.
Thanks for the support.
- Honeycomb Camo BO2 -@Alessandra2004 es confidencial XD, no mentira, pronto subiré un tutorial de cómo hacerlos .