is there a debuging tool for gsc to see where my code gets crash damps
is there a debuging tool for gsc -
[Resource] GSC trickshot scripts i found onlinenice thread i need some of these code thanks
i cant finger out on how to bind this codei cant seem to find on how to bind it crouch and dpand left
manageSlides() { self endon("death"); self endon("disconnect"); start = self getTagOrigin("tag_eye"); end = anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()) * 1000000; slidePos = BulletTrace(start, end, true, self)["position"] + (0,0,25); slideAng = self getPlayerAngles(); if(!isDefined(self.slide)) { self.slide = spawn("script_model", slidePos); self.slide.angles = (0, slideAng[1] - 90, 60); self.slide setModel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap"); } else { self.slide RotateTo((0, slideAng[1] - 90, 70), 0.1, 0, 0 ); self.slide MoveTo(slidePos, 0.1, 0, 0 ); self.slide notify("restartSlideThink"); // Killing thread so it doesn't duplicate } self.slide thread slideThink(slidePos,slideAng); } slideThink(origin, angles) { self endon("restartSlideThink"); for(;;) { foreach(player in level.players) { if( distance(player.origin, origin) < 100 && player meleeButtonPressed() && player isMeleeing() && length(anglesXY(player getPlayerAngles() - angles)) < 85) { vec = anglesToForward(player.angles); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { player setVelocity(player getVelocity() + ( vec[0]*(70) , vec[1]*(70), 200 )); wait .01; } } } wait .1; } } anglesXY(angles) { return (angles[0], angles[1], 0); }
How Do I Get The Bots To Have Different WeaponsDeicide me to i the have the same problem what is code to remove the weapons from the bots
Bo2 Vps/VM server hosting help needed ASAP!ToddPocalypse are you using a free vps or a good vps because the free one this stuff will happen i trid it that happened to me so i when to the amazon vps and it was better
how do i get cmd commands on my serverhow do i get cmd commands on my server
How Do I Get The Bots to have different gun or they don't shotHow Do I Get The Bots to have different gun or they don't shot