Hey, i tried editing the picture to make my own globe, but when i put my .iwi, the globe just shows invisible, could you please help me to make it work?
When i put yours, it works.
Hey, i tried editing the picture to make my own globe, but when i put my .iwi, the globe just shows invisible, could you please help me to make it work?
When i put yours, it works.
Ive been trying to enable Console commands for private matches and always gives me the message "a mod is required to use this cheat".
Already tried the Monkeytoy config, devmap and sv_cheats 1 but nothing works.
On Zombies it seems to work just fine but not on multiplayer
Bubbles What could possibly be the "purpose" when T6 still has it? It just doesn't make any sense and its a pretty common feature used on Sniper matches
Ive been trying to put or search for a dvar for this option on IW5 but i cannot seem to find any.
I saw on different threads that its something similar to "gts forceradar 2" but i cant see any reference to that anywhere.
Resxt I think i remember how i made it crash in the first place.
Last time i was playing, i was on a private match alone messing with the commands, when by curiosity i ran a command that was supposed to start singleplayer campaign, the game crashed and i left it there for the day.
The next day i tried to play i had the issue already.
The game used to work with no issues before that
(For some reason my reply got posted on a different thread)
Everytime i open IW5 Pluto the game crashes under the following codes:
Exception Code: 0xC00000005
Exception Address: 0x006954F8
I already followed the "Repair your IW5 instalation" process through Steam and the same issue is there, so i decided to reinstall MW3 (I'm using the dedicated Server) and after the reinstall, it still gives me the same error.