I use a PS4 controller on my PC and the DS4Windows software can save a custom profile - if you do the same you can setup a custom profile in DS4Windows to swap the trigger and shoulder buttons, so there's no need for the console command.
switching triggers/bumpers permanently -
missing config fileI get this error when I try to launch T6 Multiplayer, when I only have T6 Zombies installed. Zombies and MP are separate installations (at least on steam), so if you're trying to play Black ops 2 multiplayer, make sure that's installed. If you're trying to play zombies, you need to select "T6 Zombies" from left-side menu in in Plutonium
THE LINK TO PASSWORD RECOVERY IS NOT COMING ON EMAILI have the same issue trying to verify my account. When I try to verify my email address, I never get the email (yes I checked spam)