The only work around that I found after hours of work trying to fix this, is to just use older versions. seems to be working fine. You will also need .NET Core 2.1 (The console will give you the link needed to download this if you run the older version of IW4MAdmin)
Missing SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration. -
Missing SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration.I am currently having the same exact issue. Hopefully someone can respond soon.
Config file dm.cfg not found?I followed all the steps of the tutorial. When I run my server I see it in game, but it is trying to play tdm when I have edited all the files to play FFA. (Before I edited the files and it tried to find "tdm.cfg" it failed to do that too.
I am also unable to upload a picture of what is going wrong, so here is a paste of what it looks like.
Successfully bound socket to localhost:4976!
Config file "dm.cfg" not found!
Rotating to map "mp_la"!
Sending heartbeat...
(A bunch of server results follow) -
WARNING: config file dedicated.cfg not found.BigBeanGames no, his file name extensions were turned off. He had it saved as a .txt, but it needs to be just a .cfg