Origins Enhanced Version ULTIMATE update
Last update released in February 2023
Hello everybody ! Today I decided to share a work with you. One unfinished work. Evidently, it takes me a lot of time. So, I'm going to remove my old post and copy the old post to this one. Disclaimer, It might be not finished yet. I could have made some mistakes, so, subscribe to my profile if you want to get some updates.
Just editing some textures and sounds, do you wanna see them ?
After a lot of time, I decided to upload these textures. Because a lot of people wanted them.
Plutonium is a really nice place where you can "mod" without replacing directly the original files? (Excepted for sounds) That's why I love sharing that project with the community and my friends.
BO2 Left - BO3 Right
BO2 Classic left - BO2 Origins Enhanced Right
Better textures (Thanks Black Ops 3 Files)
Lil' User Interface
Conversion process indicator :
Where can I download that ?
How to apply that ?
Sounds :
Tutorial for Sounds : -
(0) - Keep the original files that would be replaced. It's not as easy as textures. Yeah, it replaces directly the game files. Download link provided on 6th step.
(1) - Download the .zip pack
(2) - Find your game directory (it contains some of these folders)
(3) - Extract your zip file (desktop recommeneded)
(4) - Drag and drop .sabs & .sabl files into this path :
Your game dir\sound
and if Windows asks for replacing your file, just replace then. -
(5) - Now start the game.
(6) - (Only if you want to get back your original files) Dowload this ZIP file and extract it onto
Your game dir\sound
folder. Then, restart the game.