sehteria When you're going to add new perks like stamin up to MOTD and Electric cherry to all maps?

[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_perks - Adding all perks to maps -
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_perks - Adding all perks to mapssehteria Hey bro just want to know when its it gonna be the next release
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_perks - Adding all perks to mapssehteria hey bro i just want to know when its it gonna be the next release or update of this mod?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_perks - Adding all perks to mapssehteria bro can you add electric cherry to all maps and stamin up to MOTD please thank you
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_perks - Adding all perks to mapssehteria Wow really nice mod, can you add electric cherry to all maps, (and stamin up to MOTD) please that be really cool btw i really love this mod you should be working in treyarch offices thank you so much i love this mod my favorite mod.
Can you make the ray gun style like buried style for all maps pls -
Give ideas for scripts!Angry Cat In motd mule kick at the roof area by the plane